random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Jean-Marc Bustamante
HC 23,5 x 29 cm 48 pp.
Neues Kunstmuseum Luzern 2001
English / French Edition
random picks
Shelby Lee Adams
Appalachian Legacy
Jugendfotopreis 2002
Jeffrey Ladd
Errata books #1-4
Atget - Paris; Evans - American Photographs; Ristelhueber - Fait; Killip - In Flagrante
Summer Vacation. Found Photographs
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien 1994-1998
The EYE Club
John G. Morris
Get the picture
A Personal History of Photojournalism
Jeroen Kramer
Room 103
Eric Tabuchi
Hyper Trophy
Susan Bright
Art Photography Now
Jan Saudek
Huger Foote
My Friend from Memphis
Helen Levitt
Slide Show
Gabriele & Helmut Nothhelfer
Momente und Jahre
Alexander Basile
Wish you were here
Satoru Toma
Ask the cat
Bruxelles - Limites
Thierry Girard
Les cinq Voies de Vassiviere
Daido Moriyama
Todd Hido
House Hunting
Michael Mack
Reconstructing Space:
Architecture in recent Germany Photography
Grosse Illusionen
Demand. Gursky. Ruscha
The Big Book of Typographics
Ute Behrend
La Mirada - Looking at Photography in Latin America
Annika von Hausswolff
Annika von Hauswolff in dialogue with Sara Arrhenius
Jean Gaumy
Auf hoher See
Guy Tillim
Congo Democratic
Stephen Gill
Hackney Flowers
Bernhard Fuchs
Portrait Fotografien
Jeff Wall
Szenarien im Bildraum der Wirklichkeit. Essays / Interviews
Vladimir Birgus
The photographer Frantisek Drtikol
Larry Sultan
The Valley
A Picture for Home
Jean Baptiste Mondino
Déjà vu - Photographien
Deanna Templeton
Scratch My Name on Your Arm
Martin Parr
A8. JMP Journal No.1
Kuge Yasuhide
Mechthild Op Gen OOrth
Berlin Berlin
Daniela Brasil
Em Transito
José Pedro Cortes
Things here and things to come
European Eyes on Japan - Vol. 2
Joel Sternfeld
Stranger Passing
Michael Schmidt
Landschaft Waffenruhe Selbst Menschenbilder (Ausschnitte)
Don Kirby
Essays by Richard Manning & Jay Dusard
Keith Carter
Twenty years : Photographs
Dariusz Kantor
Von Kohle gezeichnet / Weglem znaczone
Albrecht Tübke
Andreas Weinand
Stadt Land Mensch. Approaching the StädteRegion Aachen
Nicholas Hlobo
Nicholas Hlobo
Kwatsityw ' Iziko
Jean-Paul Curnier
Le Froid, le gel, l'image MERISOTAKOULU
Sur des photographies de Charles Fréger
Steve Pyke
Post Partum
One picture book # 32
Danny Lyon