random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Sophie Calle
M'as-tu vue
HC,17x 24 cm., o.pp.
Prestel 2003
random picks
Andreas H. Bitesnich
The Helsinki School. Photography by TaiK
Almut Klingbeil
Die Bilder wechseln
Meereslandschaften in deutschen Fotobüchern der 20er bis 40er Jahre
Greg Girard
Phantom Shanghai
Ed Ruscha
Then and now
Niels Bolbrinker
Land der Arbeit. Bilder und Legenden eines Industriereviers
The History of Japanese Photography
by Anne Wilkes Tucker
Six by Six (6x6) - Set One of Six by Six Series
John Gossage
Berlin in the time of the Wall
An exhibition about a book and its photographs
Michael Petzel
Meine Freunde, die Stars
Gisele Freund
Die Poesie des Portraits
Robert Adams
Questions For An Overcast Day
Bettina Rheims
Chambre Close
Ruth Orkin
Above and Beyond
Pesi Girsch
Natures Mortes
Walker Evans
First and Last
Das XX. Jahrhundert
Fotografien zur deutschen Geschichte
Gefesselter Blick
25 kurz Monografien und Beiträge über neue Werbegestaltung
Philippe Durand
Ryuchi Kaneko
Japanese Photobooks of the 1960s and '70s
feat. an interview with Daido Moriyama
Nick Waplington
Truth or Consequences
A Personal History of American Photography from the Last Century
Eduardo Del Valle
From the Ground Up
Helmut Newton
Us and Them
Yto Barrada
A Life Full Of Holes
The Strait Project
Claus Goedicke
Zeitgenossen. August Sander und die Kunstszene der 20er Jahre im Rheinland
Junko Takashi
The Receptionist
One picture book # 38
Sylvia Plachy
Red Light. Inside the sex industry
Horst Haman
One Night on Broadway
Hugo Loetscher
Durchs Bild zur Welt gekommen. Reportagen und Aufsätze zur Fotografie
Karl Steinorth
Lewis Hine. Passionate Journey - Photographs 1905-1937
Günter Blum
Ruth Erdt
The Gang
Text by/von Gianni Jetzer
Machiel Botman
Wolfgang Kampz
Sex World
Josef Koudelka
Chris Steele-Perkins
Tokyo Love Hello
Joel Preston Smith
Night of a thousand stars and other portraits of Iraq
Erik Van der Weijde
foto.zine nr.1
#1 - #8
Jeremy Aynsley
Grafik-Design in Deutschland 1890-1945
Dana Lixenberg
The Last Days of Shishmaref
Meschac Gaba
& other recent projects
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Egbert Haneke
Vis motrix
Daido Moriyama
David Byrne
True Stories
Alex Majoli
Leros. You survived
Paula Rae Gibson
diary of a love addict
Koji Onaka
2002 - 2007
Homer Sykes
Shanghai Odyssey
Raghubir Singh
A Way into India
Terry Richardson
Stern Portfolio No. 34
Laurenz Berges