random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Mischa Keijser
Diary nr. 1
HC. 22,5x15,5 cm o.pp. / Auflage 64
Limited Edition with Epson Ultrachrome Inks.
random picks
Michael Stevenson
The Mlungu in Africa
art from the colonial period, 1840 - 1940
Vivian Maier
Die Staßenfotografin - Coming up in September! Pre-Order now!
Masafumi Sanai
Car of mine
Erika Billeter
Fotografie Lateinamerika 1860-1993
Canto a la Realidad
Sarah Pickering
Explosions, Fires, and public order
Roland Barthes
Die helle Kammer. Bemerkungen zur Photographie
Christiane Stahl
Lebendiger Kristall
Peter Bialobrzeski
Tigri Di Luce
Armin Linke
Deutsche Fotografie. Macht eines Mediums 1870-1970
Gerry Johansson
John Hinde
SURFACE. Contemporary Photographic Practice
Katja Stuke
Suits vs. Facts & Fiction
Proust und die Liebe zur Photographie
Martin Dixon
Brooklyn Kings
New York City's Black Bikers
Lucien Clergue
Poesie Photographique
Robert Frank
40 Photos 1941/1946
Joel Sternfeld
American Prospects
De Nordzee
Celine van Balen
Ellen Auerbach
Ellen Auerbach
Alexander Gnädinger
100 Girls On Polaroid
Jean-Marc Bustamante
Walker Evans
Of Time and Place
by Thomas W. Southall
Thomas Manneke
Vilnius. 22'08 2004 - 15'12 2004
Henry Wessel
Henry Wessel
Albin Biblom
The Journals of Jacob Mandeville
Jeffrey Silverthorne
Travel Plans
Steve Pyke
Post Mortem
One picture book # 33
Wolfgang Tillmans
Lucinda Devlin
Water Rites
Stephen Shore
American surface
William Klein
New York 1954.55
Robert Flynn Johnson
Bettina Flitner
Fauen mit Visionen
48 Europäerinnen. Mit Texten von Alice Schwarzer
Helmut Newton
Archives de nuit
Japanese Edition
Boris von Brauchitsch
Kleine Geschichte der Fotografie
Rotterdam Cologne Connection
RCC #3
Stadtrundgang - special edition
Andreas Gursky
german edition
Olivier Jobard
Carnet de Route d`un immigrant clandestin
The Open Book
A history of the photographic book from1878 to the present
Mechthild Op Gen OOrth
Berlin Berlin
Daniel Giesen
Fast Daheim
What is that Thing called Photography
Mischa Keijser
Diary nr. 1
Fotografieren hieß teilnehmen
Fotografinnen der Weimarer Republik