random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Martin Gasser
Jakob Tuggener. Fotografien
HC, 23 x 31,5 cm., 336 pp.
Scalo 2000
random picks
Martin Parr
Think of England
Ute Eskildsen
Ein Bilderbuch
Fotografische Sammlung im Museum Folkwang
Daido Moriyama
Martijn van de Griendt
Hassan & Hoessein
Christian Boltanski
Hans van der Meer
European Fields
Martin Liebscher
David Hockney
Retrospektive Photoworks
Jens Jäger
Photographie: Bilder der Neuzeit. Einführung in die Historische Bildforschung
René Groebli
Rail Magic
Ute Behrend
The last year of childhood - Upcoming very soon!
Christian Schwager
Evelyn Richter
Evelyn Richter. Rückblick Konzepte Fragmente
Thomas Ruff
Manfred Willmann
Das Land. 1981-1993
The Big Book of Typographics
Bruce Gilden
After The Off. Short Story by Dermot Healy
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Letizia Battaglia
Photographs of Sicily
Passion Justice Freedom
Ed Jones (Ed.)
Nein, Onkel. Snapshots from another Front 1938-1945
3D-> 2D The Designers In and Out of Architecture
Porno für Mädchen
Keith F. Davis
An Amercan Century Of Photography from Dry-Plate to Digital
The Hallmark Photographic Collection
Hermann Krone
Experiment. Kunst. Massenmedium
Lauren Greenfield
Fast Forward
032 C
Europe Endless
Douglas Fogle
Painting at the Edge of the World
Eva Castringius
The Big Sky. Los Angeles -Berlin
Boris Mikhailov
The Wedding
Walid Raad
The Atlas Group (1989 - 2004)
A Project by Walid Raad
Werner Möller
Die Welt spielt Roulette. Zur Kultur der Moderne in der Krise 1927-1932
Robert Polidori
Zones of Exclusion. Pripyat and Chernobyl
John Szarkowski
Eugène Atget Band III. Schlösser und Gärten des Ancien Régime
Roland Barthes
Die helle Kammer. Bemerkungen zur Photographie
Andrea Modica
Human Being
Richard Avedon
In The American West
Clare Richardson
Emil Brunner
Tausend Blicke
Kinderportraits von Emil Brunner 1943/1944
Alexander Gnädinger
100 Girls On Polaroid
John Gossage
13 Ways To Miss A Train
Linea veloce Bologna - Milano /1
Anonymes. L'Amerique sans nom : photographie et cinema
Gordon Parks
Gordon Parks
Bruce Gilden
Freitag Inidividual Recycled Freeway Bags
Dennis Hopper
A System of Moments
Ihei Kimura
Paris, Photographs 1954 - 1955
Alec Soth
Sleeping by the Mississippi
Peter Riedlinger
Hero City / Heldenstadt
De France
Hendrik Zeitler
A Place of One's Own