random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Naoya Hatakeyama
Lime Works
HC 30 x 26 cm. / second edition
Amus Art Press 2002
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random picks
Shinichiro Kobayashi
The Beautiful Ruin
Charlie Crane
Welcome to Pyongyang
Settings & Playings. Theatrical ambiguity in American photography
Walter Niedermayr
1991 - 2001
Mechthild Op Gen OOrth
Berlin Berlin
Foto Ramblas
Luke Batten
New Catalogue
Big Ten Co-Eds, Preppy Girls, The Lost Cheerleaders
Michael Light
Bingham Mine/ Garfield Stack
Jerusalem Exposure
Hiroshi Ono
Hiroshi Ono: Austria, Slovenia
In - between 4
Horst Haman
One Night on Broadway
Thorsten Scheid
Fotografie als Metapher
Zur Konzeption des Fotografischen im Film
Boris Mikhailov
Boris Michailow: Drucksache N.F.4. Äussere Ruhe
Joel Meyerowitz
Creating a Sense of Space
Nicholas Hlobo
Nicholas Hlobo
Kwatsityw ' Iziko
Albert Renger-Patzsch
60 Fotos für die Warburgs
Rob Hornstra
Sochi Singers
Models. A collection of 132 German police uniforms and how they should be worn.
Hans Aarsman
Vroom! Vroom!
The Big Book of Typographics
Susanne Lange
Bernd und Hilla Becher
Festschrift Erasmuspreis 2002
Useful Photography No. 002
Larry Sultan
Pictures from Home
Carl De Keyzer
God Inc.
East Side Stories. Gang Life in East LA
Martin Parr
Signes des temps
I AMsterdam
A Second Decade of Guess?
Boris Mikhailov
Salt Lake
David Octavius Hill
Hill & Adamson
Von den Anfängen der künstlerischen Photographie im 19. Jhdt.
Italia - Portrait einer Nation
250 Fotografien aus sechs Jahrzenten
Jacqueline Hassink
Juergen Teller
Matthew Sleeth
Home + Away
Pentti Sammallahti
Pentti Sammallahti
Anthony Hernandez
Sons of Adam : Landscapes for the Homeless II
Lewis Baltz
The Deaths in Newport