random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Vladimir Birgus
Something Unspeakable
Cosi nevyslovitelného
HC 21 x 23 cm.
Kant 2003
random picks
Walker Evans
Walker Evans : Lyric Documentary
Selections from the FSA Works
Mette Tronvoll
Isortoq Unartoq
Between Home and Heaven
Contemporary American Landscape Photography
Yvonne Spielmann
Bild Medium Kunst
Jack Pierson
The Lonely Life
Langenscheidts Taschenwörterbuch Deutsch - Englisch
Michael Abrams
Strange & Singular
Masafumi Sanai
Thomas Florschuetz
Takashi Yasumura
Domestic Scandals
Jessica Backhaus
What still remains
Andy Warhol
Mark Haworth-Booth
Wild Track
Pierre Bourdieu
In Algerien
Zeugnisse der Entwurzelung
Herbert L. Lottmann
Man Ray`s Montparnasse
Strangers: The First ICP Triennial of Photography and Video
Cary Markerink
Memory traces
Harvey Benge
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
Jean-Marc Bustamante
Private Crossing
Benoit Grimbert
Paysages de la Reconstruction
Paul Almasy
Early Work / Das Frühwerk
Tracy Moffatt
Photographs 1935-1951
Rika Noguchi
Rika Noguchi: Czech Republic, Cyprus
In - between 13
Robert Smithson
Barbara Crane
Private Views
Espen Krughaug
Stanley Greene
Black passport. Journal eines Kriegsfotografen
Nick Waplington
The Indecisive Memento
Sebastian Mölleken
A40 - Portraits Landschaften
Robin Maddock
Our kids are going to hell
Christof Leistl
Lewis Baltz
Regel ohne Ausnahme / Rule without Exception
Joel Meyerowitz
Cape Light
Foreword by Clifford S. Ackley
Bernard Faucon
Bernard Faucon
Danny Lyon
The Bikeriders
Dominic Davies
To Cage
Bruno Barbey
The Italians
Pierre Faure
Dans Le Courant Commun
In The Common Stream
Boris Mikhailov
Suzi et cetera
Hedi Slimane
Intermission 1
Joel Sternfeld
Tatorte - Bilder gegen das Vergessen
Thomas Wiegand
Jenseits des Höhgrabens
Das Wachsen eines Neubaugebietes am Rande der nordhessischen Kreisstadt Eschwege
Anthony Hernandez
Sons of Adam : Landscapes for the Homeless II
Carel van Hees
Play. A photographic record
Michael Kenna
A Twenty Years Retrospective
Nan Goldin
Ten Years After
Garry Winogrand
Public Relations
Peter Bialobrzeski
The Raw and the Cooked
Robert Frank
One Hour
Mauro D'Agati
Gilles Mora
Walker Evans - Havana 1933
John Szarkowski
Ansel Adams at 100
Die grosse Retrospektive
Emil Brunner
Tausend Blicke
Kinderportraits von Emil Brunner 1943/1944
Mike Perry
Gabriele & Helmut Nothhelfer
Momente und Jahre
James L. Enyeart
Photographers, Writers, and the American scene. Visions of Passages