random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Naoya Hatakeyama
Zeche Westfalen I / II Ahlen
Nazraeli 2006
random picks
Joachim Schmid
A meeting on holiday
Alexander Gardner
Gardner?s Photographic Sketchbook of the American Civil War 1861-1865
Armin Linke
Peter Hendricks
Das Ravensburgprojekt
Arno Nollen
Arno Nollen
Zed Nelson
Gun Nation
Steve Lehman
The Tibetians
A Struggle to Survive
Ed Templeton
The Prevailing Nothing
Eikoh Hosoe
Ordeal By Roses. Ba Ra Kei
Susan Sontag
Das Leiden anderer betrachten
Lauren Greenfield
Fast Forward
Ahlam Shibli
Wolfgang Kampz
Sex World
Image / Images. Positionen zur zeitgenössischen Fotografie
Doug Aitken
A-Z Book (Fractals)
Thomas Manneke
Vilnius. 22'08 2004 - 15'12 2004
Martin Parr
Langweilige Postkarten
Leo Rubinfien
A Map of the East
Trevor Paglen
Covert Operations and Classified Landscapes
Luigi Ghirri
It´s beautiful here, isn´t it ..
Matthias Hoch
Begrenzte Übersicht / limited Overview
Li Zhensheng
Roter Nachrichtensoldat
Ein chinesischer Fotograf in den Wirren der Kulturrevolution
Robert Adams
Views of the Los Angeles Basin 1978-1983
Willie Doherty
Extracts from a File
Thomas Gudzowaty
Anders Petersen
Du mich auch
Mariette Pathy Allen
The Gender Frontier
Boris Mikhailov
Look at me I look at water
Miro Svolík
The way to the centre
Martin Pudenz
Licht im Himmel
Light in the Heavens
Theaters of the Real
Daido Moriyama
Record #10
Kiroku #10
Johan van der Keuken
wij zijn 17
Herbert Tobias
Bilder der Sehnucht
Photographien 1951-1960
Wall and Piece
Martin Dixon
Brooklyn Kings
New York City's Black Bikers
Hermann Claasen
Gesang im Feuerofen. Köln, Überreste einer alten deutschen Stadt
Sasha Stone. Fotografien 1925-39
John Gossage
Obvious & Ordinary - America 2006
G. Roland Biermann
The Tryptichs
Inge Morath
First color
Celine van Balen
Gordon McDonald
It's wrong to wish on Space Hardware
Johan van der Keuken
De Spaanse Schreuw
Lars Grönwall
En Face
Roadside Japan
Vera Mercer
Photographs and still lifes
Andreas Gursky
Sven Nieder
Santiago. Eine Pilgerreise in Bildern der Camera Obscura