random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Robert Knoth, Antoinette de Jong
Certificate no. 000358 /
Nuclear Devastation in Kazakhstan, Belarus, the Urals and Siberia
HC 24 x 31 cm.
Mets & Schilt 2006
random picks
Walid Raad
The Atlas Group (1989 - 2004)
A Project by Walid Raad
Val Williams
Martin Parr
Jitka Hanzlová
Paul Kooiker
Claudia Fährenkemper
Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz
Photographien / Photographs
Ruth Erdt
The Gang
Text by/von Gianni Jetzer
Andreas Gursky
Matthew Monteith
Czech Eden
Thomas Hoepker
Photographien 1955 - 2005
Robert Doisneau
Drei Sekunden Ewigkeit
Mit einem Essay des Photographen
Larry Sultan
Pictures from Home
Andreas Müller - Pohle
European Photography #54
Inge Morath
New York
Joel Sternfeld
Sweet Earth. Experimental Utopias in America
Katherine A. Bussard (Essay)
Sreet Art Street Life. From the 1950s to now
Richard Prince
Photographs - Paintings
Joakim Eskildsen
I Chicken Moon
Cristobal Hara
Howard Schatz
David Farrell
Né vicino né lontano.
A Lugo
Werner Schäfke
Köln und seine Fotobücher
Gabriele Basilico
Bozen West
Henna Nadeem
A Picture Book of Britain
Sabine Würich
Der Ferne Osten
The Far East
Tom Wood
Not only female...
Erik Kessels
In Almost Every Picture
Guy Davenport
Ralph Eugene Meatyard
Danny Lyon
The Bikeriders
Jens Jäger
Photographie: Bilder der Neuzeit. Einführung in die Historische Bildforschung
Grosse Illusionen
Demand. Gursky. Ruscha
Peter Scheier
Sao Paulo
Fastest Growing City In The World
Eusebius Wirdeier
Die Wunderkammer der Agnes Bosen. Eine Inventur
Derek Henderson
The Terrible Boredom of Paradise
Geoffroy de Boismenu
Geoffroy de Boismenu: Libenter
Alec Soth
Stephan Balkenhol
Larry Clark
Nina Poppe
Bill Henson
Lux et nox
Théâtres du Fantastique
printemps de septembre
Purple 11
La Mer
Olaf Unverzart
Don't fade to grey
Boris Mikhailov
Look at me I look at water
Doris Frohnapfel
Border Horizons
Photographs from Europe
Gozo Yoshimasu
Gozo Yoshimasu: Ireland
In - between 11
Helmut Newton
James Welling
Nan Goldin
Soeurs, Saintes Et Sibylles
Ralph Eugene Meatyard
A Fourfold Vision
IN-EX Projects
Customize. Review of Peripheral Architecture
Andreas Müller - Pohle
European Photography #68
Derek Ridgers
When we were young
Derek Ridgers: Club and Street Portraits '78 - 87
John Gossage
Secrets of Real Estate