Photography"> random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography


Michael Mack
Reconstructing Space:
Architecture in recent Germany Photography
Mit Fotografien von Bernd & Hilla Becher, Johannes Bruns, Dirk Reinartz, Michael Schmidt, Ulrich Wüst, Laurenz Berges, Matthias Hoch, Andreas Gursky, Thomas Demand, Christine Erhard, Heidi Specker, Susanne Brügger, Gerhard Richter, Thomas Struth, Mona Breede, Matthias Schmidt, Gosbert Adler, Candida Höfer, Heiner Schilling, Petra Wunderlich, Thomas Ruff
SC 24,5 x 27 cm 192 pp.
AA Publication 1999

Mit Beiträgen von Michael Mack, Neil Leach, Martin Zeller, Gerda Breuer, Hubertus von Amelunxen and Rolf Sachsse
Texts by Michael Mack, Neil Leach, Martin Zeller, Gerda Breuer, Hubertus von Amelunxen and Rolf Sachsse


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