random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Oliver Sieber
Die Blinden
HC, 23 x 27cm., o.pp. 2006
Katalog zur Ausstellung im Leopold-Hoesch-Museum Düren. Edition mit einem Print, limitiert auf 50 Exemplare erhältlich.
random picks
Jonathan Olley
Castles of Ulster
Jack Pierson
every single one of them
Paula Rae Gibson
diary of a love addict
Photographs from the Kinsey Institute
Andreas Herzau
Yutaka Takanashi
Photography 1965-1974
Josef Snobl
Köln Basel Venedig Nippes
Willem Boshoff
Willem Boshoff
Eikoh Hosoe
Ordeal By Roses. Ba Ra Kei
Langenscheidts Taschenwörterbuch Deutsch - Englisch
Claudio Hils
F. C. Gundlach
A Clear Vision
Daido Moriyama
Number 37
Erik Niedling
Fotografien / Photographs
Eva Leitolf
Die Zuschauer / The Spectators
? Moschino
Alfons Mucha
Nobuyoshi Araki
Arno Schmidt
Vier mal vier. Fotografien aus Bargfeld
Larry Clark
Theresa Hubbard
No Room to Answer
Johann van der Keuken
The Lucid Eye. The photographic work 1953-2000
Adam Broomberg
Mr. Mkhize's portrait & other stories from the new South Africa.
Axel Hütte
North / South
Martin Parr
From Our Home to Your House
Janko Woltersmann
Instant places. Polaroids 1998 - 2009
Peter Riedlinger
Hero City / Heldenstadt
Martina Sauter
57 Photographs
Anders Petersen
Café Lehmitz
Katherine A. Bussard (Essay)
Sreet Art Street Life. From the 1950s to now
Masafumi Sanai
Colin Westerbeck
Bystander: A History of Street Photography
with an Afterword on Street Photography Since the 1970s
Candida Höfer
Zoologische Gärten
The Purple Journal
Number 9, Winter 06/07
Kai-Uwe Gundlach
EDO. Three Chapters Tokyo
Shigeichi Nagano
Distant Gaze
Mark Steinmetz
South Central
Carel van Hees
Play. A photographic record
Bruce Weber
All -American Short Stories
K. Helmer-Petersen
122 Colour Photographs
Arno Fischer
Der Garten / The Garden
Torbjorn Rodland
Grav met utsikt / Grave with a View
Diane Keaton
Mr. Salesman
Jan Koster
032 C
Europe Endless
Anna Clarén
Frederick Sommer
The Art of Frederick Sommer
Photography, Drawing, Collage
Thomas Weski
How you look at it. Fotografien des 20. Jahrhunderts
Mariette Pathy Allen
The Gender Frontier
Sébastien Girard
Under house arrest
Robert Doisneau
Gestohlene Blicke
Jugendfotopreis 2002
Martin Parr