random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Ulrich Mattner, Stephan Morgenstern, Klaus Klemp
Frankfurt Inside
HC 28,5 x 22 cm.
Kehrer 2008
random picks
Alec Soth
Sleeping by the Mississippi
Roswitha Hecke
Roy Finer
Andreas Müller - Pohle
European Photography #68
Delphine Kreuter
Fotografías 1995-1997
Lennart Olson
From One Side to the Other
Bridges Photography
Michael Light
Full Moon
Aufbruch zum Mond Das Jahrhundertereignis in Bildern
Anna Gaskell
Story by Tom Jones. Essay by Nancy Spector
Risaku Suzuki
Mont Sante Victoire
Photography Speaks II. From the Chrysler Museum Collection
70 Photographers on their Art
Jutta Benzenberg
Ahead with the past - Me të shkuarën, përpara
Zeitgenössische Fotografie aus Kanada
André Principe
Master and Everyone
John Lambrichts
Oeverlangen aan de Maas
John Gossage
The Romance Industry
Venezia / Marghera 1998
Nikolaus Schletterer
Orte Blicken Landschaft
Martha Rosler
In the Place of the Public: Observations of a Frequent Flyer
An der Stelle der Öffentlichkeit: Beobachtungen einer Vielfliegerin
Nick Waplington
Learn How To Die The Easy Way.
Garry Winogrand
Figments from the real world
Nick Waplington
Safety by Numbers
Thomas Kläber
Oliver Grau
Virtuelle Kunst in Geschichte und Gegenwart
Visuelle Strategien
Beatrice Minda
Innenwelt / Inner world
Eva Leitolf
Die Zuschauer / The Spectators
Charlie White
Carl De Keyzer
Zona. Siberian Prison Camps
Lisette Model
Fotografien 1934-1960
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien 1994-1998
Robert Capa
Kaucyila Brooke
Vitrinen in Arbeit
Bernard Plossu
Raymond Meeks
Sound of Summer Running
Andrea Robbins & Max Becher
The Transportation Of Place
Kelly William Purcell
Alexey Brodovitch
Eva Marie Rodbro
Fuck You Kiss Me
Andrew Miksys
August Sander
Menschen des 20. Jahrhunderts
William Eggleston
2 1/4
De Luxe Edition
Machiel Botman
Marshall McLuhan
Das Medium ist die Botschaft -the medium is the message
Joel Meyerowitz
Cape Light
Foreword by Clifford S. Ackley
Harvey Benge
Vital Signs
Hellen van Meene
Tout va disparaitre
Larry Clark
Die perfekte Kindheit
Useful Photography No. 002
Hans - Peter Feldmann
Boris Mikhailov
Boris Michailow: Drucksache N.F.4. Äussere Ruhe
Lucinda Devlin Andreas Gursky Candida Höfer
Räume Rooms