random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Masafumi Sanai
HC 19 x 13 cm.
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random picks
Sandro Scalia
Le citta di Palermo. Cities within the City
Die Klasse Magazin #
Transitting # 1
Herbert L. Lottmann
Man Ray`s Montparnasse
Cruel and Tender. Fotografie und das Wirkliche
Andrej Krementschouk
Come bury me
Photography's multiple roles
Art document market science
Todd Hido
Robert Frank
The americans
Introduction by Jack Kerouac
Saul Leiter
Early Color
Angela Neuke
Staatstheater - Mediencircus
Allan Sekula
Titanic's wake
Ralf Schmerberg
Dirty Dishes
Die Erfindung der Wirklichkeit. Photographie an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf von 1970 bis heute
Helmut Lederer
Helmut Lederer
Das fotografische Werk 1937-1981
Carla van de Puttelaar
Mike Perry
Michael Wolf
Tokyo Compression Revisited
John Stathatos
the book of lost cities
Diane Keaton
Mr. Salesman
David Goldblatt
Cincuenta y un anos
Slavica Percovic
Fazal Sheikh
The Victor Weeps
Mariken Wessels
Elisabeth - I want to eat
Emmanuel Raab
Texte von Ulrich Pohlmann und Thomas E. Schmidt
Daido Moriyama
Record #10
Kiroku #10
Stefan Roemer
Temporary architectures
Josef Koudelka
Robert Adams
Tree Line
Hasselblad 2009
Act of Faith
Barbara Klemm
Unsere Jahre
Bilder aus Deutschland 1968-1998
Immagini Del Nostro Tempo
Fotografie dalla collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Tod Papageorge
Passing through Eden
Photographs of Central Park
Oliver Sieber
Die Fußballspielerinnen
Guido Costa
Nan Goldin
Joel Sternfeld
Sweet Earth. Experimental Utopias in America
Anthony Hernandez
Sons of Adam. Landscapes for the Homeless I
Una Hunderi
Happy End of the World
Henry Wessel
House Pictures
Bettina Lockemann
Cary Markerink
Memory traces
Leo Rubinfien
A Map of the East