random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Tomoko Sawada
School Days
HC 20 x 15 cm.
Seigensha 2006
random picks
Anna Clarén
Puppy Love
Joakim Eskildsen
Nordtegn - Nordic Signs
Public Folder
Dsa Ich / The me
Markus Rasp (Editor)
Contemporary German Photography
Thomas Weber
Henryk Ross - Lodz Ghetto Album
Selected by Martin Parr and Timothy Pruss
Alexander Binder
Yves Marchand
The ruins of Detroit
Martha Rosler
In the Place of the Public: Observations of a Frequent Flyer
An der Stelle der Öffentlichkeit: Beobachtungen einer Vielfliegerin
Neil Drabble
Tree Tops Tall
Sofia Coppola
The virgin suicides
photo book
Andreas Trogisch
photo folder #2 from 6 folders
Harald Hauswald
Fotografien 1979-1999
Tony Worobiec
MONOCHROM und weitere Kunst-Printing-Techniken
Stefan Roemer
Künstlerische Strategien des Fake
Kritik von Original und Fälschung
Georges Hugnet
Eugene Richards
Americans We
Andreas Mueller-Pohle
Foto + Video 1977-1999
Ilya Ehrenburg
My Paris
Text and Photographs
Richard Kern
Bruce Davidson
Time of Change. Civil Rights Photography 1961 - 1965
Lay Flat 02: Meta
Hellen van Meene
Josef Koudelka
Mission Photographique Transmanche
Ruth Erdt
The Gang
Text by/von Gianni Jetzer
Miguel Rio Branco
Essay by David Levi Strauss. Afterword by Lélia Wanick Salgado and Sebastiao Salgado
Ken Schles
Oculus - Limited Editions
Tom Wood
All zones off peak
Netherlands Now
L' école du Nord
Allan Sekula
Jocelyn Bain Hogg
The Firm
Pekka Turunen
Against the Wall
Dietrich Oltmanns
Sichtung - Leipzig von den Rändern. Fotografien 1980-1990
Erwin Olaf
Erik Kessels
The Instant Men
Ulla Kimmig
Iran. Stillstand oder Aufbruch
Ken Schles
A New History of Photography - WHITE PRESS #1
The world outside and the pictures in our heads
Wolfgang Tillmans
Soldiers. The Nineties
Robert Frank
London / Wales
Robert Adams
Commercial Residential
Sze Tsung Leong
History Images
Jean-Frédéric Schnyder
Zugerstrasse - Baarerstrasse
Jewgeni Chaldej
Von Moskau nach Berlin
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Eleven. W stories 1997-2008
heute bis jetzt
Zeitgenössische Fotografie aus Düsseldorf, Teil II
Peter Granser
Hiroshi Ono
Hiroshi Ono: Austria, Slovenia
In - between 4
Michael Schmidt
Berlin. Stadtlandschaft und Menschen