random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Sir Benjamin Stone
A record of England
HC 25 x 23 cm.
Dewi Lewis 2007
random picks
Koos Breukel
Mika Ninagawa
Earthly Flowers, Heavenly Colors
1995 - 2008
Larry Clark
Los Angeles
2003 - 2006
NU 01
Thomas Struth
Pergamonmuseum 2008 + 09
Akimitsu Naruyama
Dr. Ikkaku Ochi Collection
Mined ...
never mined, Issue 3
Balthasar Burkhard
Lance Lensfield
New York
Jacob Holdt
United States 1970 - 1975
Guy Tillim
Congo Democratic
Julian Germain
For Every Minute You Are Angry You Lose Sixty Seconds Of Happiness
Heinz Hajek-Halke
Form Aus Licht Und Schatten 1/ 2
Official Portraits
The executive Heads of state of the 191 member states of the UNO
Andy Warhol
Paintings and Sculptures 1961 -1963
Sarah Carlier
Four years, three deaths, sweaty armpits and a fetus
Raghubir Singh
A Way into India
Laurie Simmons
In and Around the House. Photographs 1976 - 78
Rudy Vanderlans
Bertrand Fleuret
Landmasses and Railways
Ed van der Elsken
Long Live me!
Daido Moriyama
Photographs 1935-1951
Andres Serrano
Body and Soul
Mark Power
Christian von Steffelin
Palast der Republik. 1994-2010
Alexandra Vogt
The Dim Feet Of White-Maned Desires
Antoine D´Agata
Home Town
Ulrike Myrzik
Die Hecke / The Hedge
Lars Tunbjörk
Urs Stahel (Ed.)
Reale Fantasien. Neue Fotografie aus der Schweiz
Rene Burri
Berner Blitz
Todd Hido
Witness # 7
Anthony Hernandez
Waiting for Los Angeles
Ernst Schwitters
Ernst Schwitters in Norwegen. 1930 - 1960
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Was wir tun, ist letzlich Geschichten erzählen ...
Bernd und Hilla Becher, Einführung in Leben und Werk
Brigitte Lardinois
Magnum Magnum
Matt Mahurin
Morten Andersen
Black and Blue
Hellozine #13. A social sculpture for the unsocial type
Christophe Beauregard
Semantic Tramps
Niels Bolbrinker
Land der Arbeit. Bilder und Legenden eines Industriereviers
Robert Adams
Why People Photograph
Stanley Kubrick
Drama & Shadows: 1945 - 1950
William Christenberry
William Christenberry
Elmar Mauch
Die Bewohner
Morten Andersen
Color F.