random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Markus Uhr
Die Großen Die Kleinen Die Mittleren
SC, 17 x 22 cm., o.pp. Please ask for
special edition !
Uhr 2005
random picks
J. R. Gossage
Empire. Civil Rights Photography 1961 - 1965
Tom Wood
Photie Man
Michael Reisch
Vladimir Birgus
Czech Photography of the 20th Century - A Guide
Eikoh Hosoe
Gilles Mora
Walker Evans - Der unstillbare Blick
Die endgültige Monographie
Lyle Rexer
Photography's antiquarian avant-garde
The new wave in pld processes
Stephen Shore
American surface
Anonymes. L'Amerique sans nom : photographie et cinema
Viggo Mortensen
Jacqueline Hassink
Car Girls - Traveller's Edition
Candida Höfer
Fotografien 2004 - 2005
Hans-Christian Schink
Jean-Paul Curnier
Le Froid, le gel, l'image MERISOTAKOULU
Sur des photographies de Charles Fréger
Julius Shulman
Vest Pocket Pictures
Craigie Horsfield
La ciutat de la gent
The city of the people
Hans van der Meer
Spielfeld Europa. Landschaften der Fußball-Amateure
Hans-Michael Koetzle (Ed.)
Eyes On Paris. Paris im Fotobuch 1890 - 2010
Frank Gohlke
Mount ST. Helens
Mauro D'Agati
Ruedi Baur
Katrin Thomas
Living Fashion
Dorothea Lynch
Exploding into Life
Joel Meyerowitz
La natura delle cittá
Testi di Joel Meyerowitz
Thorsten Hattenkerl
Arved Messmer
Aus anderer Sicht / The other view
Die frühe Berliner Mauer / The Early Berlin Wall
Mark Steinmetz
Italia. Cronaca di amore - One Picture Book #64
No. 425 / 500
Georgischer Frühling. Ein Magnum Tagebuch
Robert Adams
Listening to the River
Poems by William Stafford
Larry Fink
Larry Fink
Marianne Brandt
Fotografien am Bauhaus
Sir Benjamin Stone
A record of England
Michael Wolf
Tokyo Compression
Boris Mikhailov
Look at me I look at water
Takehiko Nakafuji
Loretta Lux
New Work
Elisabeth Neudörfl
future world
John Divola
Dogs chasing my car
Candida Höfer
Mark Helfrich
Naked Pictures of my Girlfriends
Buren. Neighbours. The Netherlands as seen by three foreign photographers
Eva Leitolf
Rostock Ritz (English Ed.)
John Gossage
There and Gone. 124 Photographs
Nobuyoshi Araki
Tokyo Love
Spring Fever 1994
Mary Ellen Mark
Indian Circus
André Kertész
André Kertész
Frank Gaudlitz
Warten auf Europa
Begegnungen an der Donau / Waiting for Europe
Andrea Stultiens
Kerkdorp / Polderdorp
Sint Odilienberg / Kreileroord
Christian Lutz
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Henry Wessel
Robert Adams
West from the Columbia - Views at the River Mouth
Sergio Larrain
London 1958-59
Introduced by Mike Seaborne