random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Mahmoud Dabdoub
Alltag in der DDR
HC 31 x 23,5 cm.
Passage 2003
random picks
Amm & Mary Sutton
The American West. A Natural History
Wolfgang Zurborn
7 Bello
Robert Adams
West from the Columbia - Views at the River Mouth
Dirk Alvermann
Dacapo. Fotografien von Dirk Alvermann
Brigitte Lardinois
Magnum Magnum
Volker Heinze
Missing Walker
Wilhelm Schürmann
Peter Dressler
Bleibende Werte
Lasting Values , Valeurs Sures
Thomas Struth
Thomas Struth 1977 - 2002
Ed Ruscha
Mountains and Portraits
Photographien aus sechs Jahrzehnten
Film und Foto
Internationale Ausstellung des deutschen Werkbundes
Bertien van Manen
A hundred summers, a hundred winters
Edward Grazda
Afghanistan Diary: 1992-2000
Hans Eijkelboom
Portraits & Cameras. 1949 - 2009
Aura Rosenberg
Berliner Kindheit
Richard Misrach
Desert - Cantos del desierto 1979 - 1999
Michael Stevenson
Distant Relatives / Relative Distance
Anders Petersen
Close distance
Ralph Eugene Meatyard
The family album of Lucibelle Crater and other figurative photographs
Hendrik Zeitler
A Place of One's Own
Sven Ingmar Thies
Japanese Rooms
Tokyo, Berlin, New York, Shanghai and Vienna
John Gossage
Putting back the Wall
Adam Broomberg
Clemens Kalischer
Rick Smolan
Passage to Vietnam. Through the Eyes of Seventy Photographers
Ilkka Uimonen
Anders Petersen
"Ich Dich lieben, Du mich auch?"
Vladimir Birgus
Czech Photography of the 20th Century - A Guide
Andrea Robbins & Max Becher
The Transportation Of Place
Andreas Trogisch
photofolder #6 from 6 folders
Mark McPherson
Hijacked Volume 2: Australia / Germany
Stiftung Zollverein (Hrsg.)
Cerna Hvezda - Schwarzer Stern
Reviere zwischen den Städten. Genius Loci von Kohle und Stahl
John Ganis
American Landscapes
John Stathatos
the book of lost cities
Hans Eijkelboom
Paris New York Shanghai
A book about the past, present and (possibly) future capital of the world
Bernhard Fuchs
Eugène Atget
Photographe De Paris - Errata book #1
Birney Imes
Juke Joint
Photographs by Birney Imes
Elliot Erwitt
Personal Best, 50th Anniversary Ed. - COMING SOON!
Karlheinz Jardner
Ganz nah ost. East Germany, up close and personal
Michael Leicht
Wie Katie Tingle sich weigerte, ordentlich zu posieren und Walker Evans darüber nicht grollte
Eine kritische Bildbetrachtung sozialdokumentarischer Fotografie
Allan Sekula
Morten Andersen
White Nights. Rock'n'roll Photography
Love & Peace. The Agenda 2003 - Magnum Photographers
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Streetwork 1993-1997
Joan Fontcuberta
Miracles et Cie
René Groebli
Rail Magic