Photography"> random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography


Mitch Epstein
American Photographs 1973 -1988
Mit Fotografien von
HC 28,5 x 41,5 cm., 158 pp.
Steidl 2005

"Epstein brings such subtlety and assurance to his pictures that each one feels not just ideal but inevitable." Vince Aletti, Village Voice -

"It would be easy to imagine cameras are like dogs, that they lure people hither, encourage conversation, invite romance. "Well, you might end up on a date," Epstein says quietly. "But I don't think I did." For him, the adventures were of a photographic nature. Some of the images Epstein made back then have been collected in Recreation, the latest publication of his work, which rounds up photographs of America at leisure from 1973 to 1988. But don't be fooled by the name. There are no cheerleaders here, no bowling alleys, no crazy Coney Island helter-skelters, fat-bottomed ladies or super-sized hotdogs. There are remarkably few cars, no multi-lane supermarkets, no malls or ball games. " Caroline Roux, The Guardian -

Der langerwartete Rückblick in die Wunderbox der siebziger Jahre: Mitch Epstein (damals schon als Pionier der jungen Farbfotografie neben Shore, Eggleston und Christenberry in Sally Eauclaires New Colour gezeigt) bringt uns nach dem Bestseller Family Business ein wunderschönes Buch über den Umgang mit der Freizeit. Der Titel ist keine Ausrede für einen Mangel an Konzept, sondern eine nur eine kleine Ankündigung seiner sowohl wahnwitzigen als auch stillen Bilder. Recreation for the eye!

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