random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Elisabeth Foch, Martine d´Astier de la Vigerie
Lartigue´s Winter Pictures
HC, 28 x 24 cm., 144pp.
Flammarion 2002
random picks
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Phlip-Lorca diCorcia
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Martin Parr
West Bay
Guido Guidi
New Map of Italy (The Photography of Guido Guidi)
Theorie der Fotografie Band I - IV
Wolfgang Tillmans
Wako Book 2
Jens Brüggemann
Erotic moments
Ed Ruscha
Mountains and Portraits
Hubertus von Amelunxen
Die aufgehobene Zeit
Die Erfindung der Photographie durch Henry Fox Talbot
Arved Messmer
Aus anderer Sicht / The other view
Die frühe Berliner Mauer / The Early Berlin Wall
Fischli & Weiss
Peter Fischli & David Weiss
Nina Schmitz
Movie Stars
Paul Reas
I Can Help
Jakob Tuggener
Ballnächte / Ball Nights 1934 - 1950
Ruth Erdt
The Gang
Text by/von Gianni Jetzer
Masahisa Fukase
Hysteric Twelve
Zdenek Felix
Art & Economy
Dayanita Singh
Eric Larrayadieu
Jours Incertains
Martin Parr
Witness #3
Andreas Trogisch
photofolder #6 from 6 folders
Martin Parr
The Photobook: A History. Volume I
Eberhard Weyel
Benzin mit Öl
Ralph Gibson
Ex Libris
Peter Piller
Archiv Peter Piller
Alexander Gnädinger
100 Girls On Polaroid
Michael Schmidt
Fotografien seit 1965
Bettina Rheims
Michael Ruetz
Eye On Time
Satoru Toma
Ask the cat
Bruxelles - Limites
Jacob Aue Sobol
I, Tokyo
Angela Strecker
Spirit of Fu
Drive-By Shots of North-West Vietnam and Graphic Design Reflections
Martin Parr
Langweilige Postkarten
Diana Blok
AY DIOS. Curacao Corazon Curacion
Helena Pals
För att / Because
Nan Goldin
Luzifers Garten
Antoine D´Agata
Home Town
Dana Lixenberg
Jeffersonville Indiana
Gisele Freund
Die Poesie des Portraits
Karine Versluis
Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie 2006
David Goldblatt
Gordon McDonald
It's wrong to wish on Space Hardware