random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Takashi Homma
Tokyo and My Daughter
SC, 16 x 22 cm., 32 pp.
Nieves 2006
random picks
Melvin Sokolsky
Seeing Fashion
Text by Martin Harrison
Thomas Chable
Odeurs d'Afrique
Ann Mandelbaum
Thin Skin
August Sander
Linzer Jahre 1901 - 1909
Photographische Sammlung, Köln
Andreas Herzau
Klaus Wohlmann
Kön - Wege - Bilder - Gedanken
Tomorrow for ever. Photographie als Ruine
Marko Modic
Serge Clément
Sutures. Berlin 2000 - 2003
Peter Galassi
Walker Evans & Company
Larry Sultan
The Valley
Thomas Hoepker
Photographien 1955 - 2005
Inez van Lamsweerde
Michael Subotzky
Beaufort West
John Divola
Isolated Houses
Robin Maddock
God Forgotten Face
Keith Holz
Im Auge des Exils. Josef Breitenbach und die Freie Deutsche Kultur in Paris 1933-1941
Hans Bellmer
Robert Lebeck
Unverschämtes Glück
Pip Erken
Remnants of the recent past. The Soviet energy legacy
Michael Schade
counting waves
Danny Lyon
Deep Sea Diver
Anthony Hernandez
Waiting, Sitting, Fishing, And Some Automobiles
(Los Angeles, photographs of)
Rika Noguchi
The Planet: Noguchi Rika
I am a camera
The Saatchi Gallery
Ute Langanky
Martin Parr
Guardian Cities Project
Jeff Wall
Jeff Wall
Thomas Demand
La Carte d'apres Nature (Ed. francaise)
Emi Anrakuji
e hagaki
One picture book # 40
Viviane Sassen
Leni Riefenstahl
Fünf Leben
David Lachapelle
Hotel Lachapelle
Marc Solal
Doubles Vies
Peter Lindbergh
Images of Women
Judith van Ijken
Roni Horn
Dictionary of Water
Kaucyila Brooke
Vitrinen in Arbeit
Toni Schneiders
Fotografie und Form. Photography and Form
Dinu Li
The Mother of all Journeys
Willi Rose
Shadows of War. A German Soldier's Lost Photographs of WW II
Jens Liebchen
DL 07 stereotypes of war. A photographic investigation
Evzen Sobek
Life in Blue
Alistair Crawford
Mario Giacomelli
Horacio Fernandez (Ed.)
The Latin American Photobook - just arrived!
Adam Jeppesen
Stephen Shore
Fotografien 1973-1993
Jamel Shabazz
A Time Before Crack
Magazine 032c - We Are Synchro Time
Marcel Grützbach
five4select tour
Walker Evans
Message from the Interior
Sergey Shestakov
Journey into the future - stop #1
Planet of Visions / The 21st Century
Im Themenpark der EXPO 2000 Hannover
Peter Piller
Archiv Peter Piller nimmt Schaden
Schweizer Landschaften