random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Julian Germain
No Mundo Maravilhoso do Futebol
HC 20,5x27,5 cm 120 p.
Basalt Publishers
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random picks
Robert Lebeck
Tokyo / Moscow / Leopoldville
Pierre Bourdieu
In Algerien
Zeugnisse der Entwurzelung
Gaylord Oscar Herron
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Official Portraits
The executive Heads of state of the 191 member states of the UNO
Proust und die Liebe zur Photographie
Jede Fotografie ein Bild
Siemens Fotosammlung
Lucien Clergue
Poesie Photographique
Berenice Abbot
Morten Andersen
Ass Time Goes By - Turbonegro 1990 - 98
Ed Ruscha
Course of Empire. United States Pavilion, 51st, Venice Biennale
Thomas Struth
Museum Photographs
Film und Foto
Internationale Ausstellung des deutschen Werkbundes
Sergio Larrain
London 1958-59
Introduced by Mike Seaborne
Bas Princen
Galleria Naturale. Line veloce Bologna-Milano / 7
David Levi Strauss
Between the Eyes. Essays on Photography and Politics
Malick Sidibé
Malick Sidibé
Michael Danner
Rebecca Solnit
River of Shadows
Eadweard Muybridge and the Technological Wild West
Armin Linke
Instant Book
Karoly Kincses
Photographes. Made in Hungary
Tina Bara
Fragile Portraits
Stanley Kubrick
Still Moving Pictures. Fotografien 1945-1950
Florian Ebner
Karl Blossfeldt
Urformen der Kunst
Thierry Girard
Voyage au pays du Réel
En suivant la Grrande Diagonale de Victor Segalen
Christina Bolic
Love. No One
Peter Bialobrzeski
Robert Knoth
Certificate no. 000358 /
Nuclear Devastation in Kazakhstan, Belarus, the Urals and Siberia
Keld Helmer-Petersen
Keld Helmer-Petersen. Photographs 1941 - 1995
Ray K. Metzker
City Stills
Patrícia Almeida
No Parking
Paul Casaer
People, Bags, Bushes & Tracks
Robert Smithson
David Armstrong
The Silver Cord
Pierre Borhan
Joel Peter Witkin
Zögling Meister
Margit Zuckriegl
Weegee's Story. From the Berinson Collection
Stephen Gill
A Book of Field Studies
Hicham Benohoud
La salle de classe
Making Your Dreams Come True. Young British Photography
John Gossage
Dance Card Vol. 2
A Field Guide to Works, 1962-2002
Tseng Kwong Chi
Ambiguous Ambassador
Josef Sudek. The Pigment Prints 1947-1954
Candida Höfer
Projects: Done
Michael Kenna
Night Work
Lieko Shiga
Matthew Sleeth
Roaring Days
Timm Starl
Identifizierung und Datierung von Fotografien 1839 - 1945
Martin Fengel
Journal of Science
Memoires Intimes d'un Nouveau Millenaire
IVes Rencontres de la Photographie Africaine, Bamako 2001
Edward Grazda
Afghanistan Diary: 1992-2000
Hans van der Meer