random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien 1994-1998
HC 34,5x33 cm 82 S.
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg
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rare and out of print, mint copy
random picks
Uwe Fleckner
Die Schatzkammern der Mnemosyne
Ein Lesebuch mit Texten zur Gedächtnistheorie von Platon bis Derrida
Candida Höfer
Berlin Wilhelmstrasse 44
Hans van der Meer
Andreas Trogisch
photo folder #5 from 6 folders
Ed Templeton
Teenage Smokers
Karianne Bueno
De Overkant. Amsterdam Noord
Ohio # 11
Photos von Burkhard Brunn (Hochsitze)
Ed Ruscha
Seven Products, Twentyfive Apartements, Three Palm Trees, Six Rooftops and One Aerial View
Gillian Wearing
Daido Moriyama
Danny Lyon
Knave Of Hearts
Huger Foote
It´s Always The Day After
Lee Friedlander
America by car
Big sized Ed. - Only pre-ordering possible -
Dino Simonett
Yuki Yuki
Sah ein Knab ein Röslein stehn...
Robert Adams
Notes for Friends
along Colorado roads
Jens Liebchen
Playing Fields
Ed van der Elsken
Fotografie + Film 1949-1990
Bjórn Melhus
auto center drive
Helena Pals
För att / Because
Hans-Christian Schink
Howarth Sophie
Street Photography Now
John Baldessari
Somewhere Between Almost Right and Not Quite (With Orange)
Marc Solal
Doubles Vies
Florian Böhm
Wait For Walk
Olivo Barbieri
Lugo e il mare
172 Fotografie #2 Das Ende der Fotografie
Luke Batten
New Catalogue
Big Ten Co-Eds, Preppy Girls, The Lost Cheerleaders
Satoru Toma
Ask the cat
Bruxelles - Limites
Jeff Wall
Jeff Wall
Lynne Cohen
Willie Morris
Faulkner's Mississippi
Mariette Pathy Allen
The Gender Frontier
Albert Watson
Dirk Reinartz
Innere Angelegenheiten
foam magazine No.1 2002
Joel Meyerowitz
St. Louis & St. Arch
Yto Barrada
A Life Full Of Holes
The Strait Project
Brigitte Lardinois
Magnum Magnum
Daido Moriyama
Martin Parr
The Photobook: A History. Volume I
New Topographics. Photographs of a Man-altered Landscape
Ulrich Mattner
Frankfurt Inside
Marco Pesaresi
John Gossage
Obvious & Ordinary - America 2006
Lewis Baltz
Candlestick Point
Erwin Olaf
Violence and Passion
Text by Jonathan Turner
Ed Ruscha
Ed Ruscha's Los Angeles
William Eggleston
For now