random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Barbara Hartmann
Unsere Sicht - zwölf Frauen aus Srebrenica
HC 13 x 17 cm.
modo 2006
random picks
Hans-Christian Schink
Verkehrsprojekte - Traffic Projects
Vera Lutter
Light in Transit
Leo Divendal
Ariadne Breton-Hourcq
Thomas Demand
Robert Adams
No Small Journeys
Peter Hujar
John Divola
Dogs chasing my car
Dutch Eyes. A Critical History of Photography in the Netherlands
Mary Panzer
things as they are
Photojournalism in Context since 1955
Björn Pretzel
Anderswelten. Ästhetik des Untergangs
Vincent Cianni
We Skate Hardcore
Tom Hunter
Tom Hunter
Chritian Gapp
Digitales Bild ? Bildung des Digitalen
Georg Grosz
Das Auge des Künstlers. Photographien New York 1932
Martina Mullaney
Turn In
Richard Prince
Photographs - Paintings
Nina Berman
Purple Hearts
Back from Iraq
Christian Lutz
Tropical Gift
Oliver Sieber
Character Thieves
Joel Meyerowitz
Joel Meyerowitz
Takeshi Dodo
Douglas Fogle
Painting at the Edge of the World
Jörg Sasse
Arbeiten am Bild
Valentina Seidel
Exchange. Portraits with Artists
Magnum Landscape
Elfriede Mejchar
Fotografien von den Rändern Wiens
Larry Sultan
The Valley
Richard Prince
American English
Evelyn Richter
Stillgehaltene Zeit
Sophie Calle
Double Game
Robin Muir
John Deakin. London - Paris - Rom. Straßenfotografie
VERY. Styleguide London
Mark Steenerson
The Cement War
Every Day is a struggle to believe
Paul Kooiker
Joseph Mills
Inner City
East Side Stories. Gang Life in East LA
Jean Baptiste Mondino
Déjà vu - Photographien
Peter Bialobrzeski
Tigri Di Luce
Loretta Lux
New Work
Florian Maier-Aichen
Florian Maier-Aichen
Begierde im Blick. Surrealistische Photographie
Nick Waplington
Learn How To Die The Easy Way.
Ernst Schwitters
Ernst Schwitters in Norwegen. 1930 - 1960
Ed Ruscha
Boris Mikhailov
Case History
Paul Fusco
RFK Funeral Train
Xiao Hui Wang
Close to the Eyes
Texts by Tilman Spengler and Xiao Hui Wang