random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Gudrun Kemsa
Moving Images
HC 23 x 31 cm.
Kehrer 2006
random picks
Chris Coekin
The Hitcher
Wout Berger
Theaters of the Real
Paul Kooiker
Jim Goldberg
Open See
Bas Princen
Alexey Titarenko
City of Shadows
Claudia Rorarius
What it Feels
Lee Friedlander
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Zeche Zollern 2
Aufbruch zur mordernen Industriearchitektur u. Technik
Richard Billingham
Black Country
Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman
Jessica Backhaus
One Day in November
Eugene Richards
Stepping through the ashes
August Sander
Köln wie es war
August Sander Werkausgabe
Paul Almasy
by Klaus Kleinschmidt and Axel Schmid
Joel Sternfeld
Sweet Earth. Experimental Utopias in America
Jürgen Teller
Marc Jacobs Advertising 1998-2009
Aino Kannisto
Staged Photographs
Dörte Eißfeld
Avedon Richard
Woman in the Mirror
Andrej Krementschouk
Chernobyl Zone I - Coming in Spring 2011!
Erik Niedling
Fotografien / Photographs
Douglas Fogle
Painting at the Edge of the World
Richard Paul Lohse. Konstruktive Gebrauchsgrafik
100 years - 100 anos
Cristina Faesler
Diccionario Grafico de la ciudad Mexico
Erik Kessels
In Almost Every Picture.
Teresa Chen
Welcome to Polkamotion. With Ma and Pa Chen
VI'es Rencontres Africaines de la Photographie
Bamako 2005: Un autre monde
Purple Sexe...
Christian Schwager
Thomas Walther
Other pictures
Michael Wolf
The Transparent City
Reiner Riedler
Fake Holidays
Introduction Bill Kouwenhoven
Jean-Christian Bourcart
Forbidden City
Texte de Régis Jauffret
John Baldessari
Yours in Food, John Baldessari
Gerry Badger
Collecting Photography
Christiane Stahl (Hrsg.)
Mikrofotografie - Schönheit jenseits des Sichtbaren
Massimo Vitali
les plages du Var
Le pieds dans l'eau
Lee Friedlander
America by car
Big sized Ed. - Only pre-ordering possible -
Leo Divendal
Janne Lehtinen
The Descendants
Pieter Hugo
Looking Aside
South African Studio Portraits 2003 - 2006
Fotografie! - Das 19. Jahrhundert
Peter Fraser
Dan Holdsworth
Dan Holdsworth
Ludwig Schirmer
zu Hause