random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Martha Rosler
In the Place of the Public: Observations of a Frequent Flyer
An der Stelle der Öffentlichkeit: Beobachtungen einer Vielfliegerin
SC,31 x 23 cm., 167 pp.
Hatje Cantz
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random picks
Antoine D´Agata
Thomas Hoepker
Photographien 1955 - 2005
"Wenn Berlin Biarritz wäre..." Architektur in Bildern der fotografischen Sammlung im Museum Folkwang Essen
Willem Boshoff
Willem Boshoff
Yto Barrada
A Life Full Of Holes
The Strait Project
Bettina Flitner
Fauen mit Visionen
48 Europäerinnen. Mit Texten von Alice Schwarzer
Andreas Gursky
Werke 80 - 08
Joel Meyerowitz
Cape Light
Foreword by Clifford S. Ackley
David Byrne
True Stories
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
Mexico - New York
Huger Foote
My Friend from Memphis
Denis Proteor
Parts pour l'ame-chaudron
Koji Onaka
Slow Boat
Gerhard Richter
Jacob Holdt
United States 1970 - 1975
Herbert Tobias 1924-1982
Fotografien 1950-1980
Martin Parr
Tutta Roma
Stephen Shore
The Velvet Years 1965-67. Warhol's Factory
Loretta Lux
Bill Jay
The Photography of Bill Brandt
Lewis Baltz
Nicolas Faure
Switzerland on the Rocks
Jean-Marc Bustamante
Kikuji Kawada
Kikuji Kawada / The Map
Brumm Thomas
Look Twice 2009 + 10
John Gossage
Secrets of Real Estate
Wolfgang Tillmans
Ostzeit. Geschichten aus einem vergangenen Land
Ostzeit. Stories from a vanished country
Robert Lebeck
Kiosk. Eine Geschichte der Fotografie. A History of Photojournalism
Reinhard Matz
Denis Dailleux
Le Caire
Luuk Wilmering
A personal Geographic
The Acts of Mercy / De Werken van Barmhartigheid
Robert Adams
Tree Line
Hasselblad 2009
Shinro Ohtake
1974 - 1975
Michael Light
Full Moon
Aufbruch zum Mond Das Jahrhundertereignis in Bildern
Ken Schles
Florian van Roekel
How Terry likes his Coffee. A Photo Essay into Office Life
Mochizuki Masao
Television 1975 - 76
Hans Ullrich Reck
Mythos Medien Kunst
Nobuyoshi Araki
Viaggio Sentimentale
Angela Neuke
Staatstheater - Mediencircus
Nick Waplington
Double Dactyl
Paul Fusco
Chernobyl Legacy
Guy Stricherz
Americans in Kodachrome
Takashi Homma
In - between #1: Denmark & Poland
Michael Stevenson
Take your road and along
The advent of the modern black painter in Africa
Paul Graham
Empty Heaven
Jacqueline Hassink
Terence Riley
Mies in Berlin
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Die Berliner Jahre 1907-1938
Jerry N. Uelsmann
Museum Studies
Garry Winogrand
Winogrand 1964
Rem Koolhaas
Prada. Projects Part I
JAM: Tokyo-London. Die photokina-Bilderschauen 1950-1980