random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Michael Schmidt
Berlin. Stadtlandschaft und Menschen
HC, 22 x 27,5 cm., 92 pp.
Stapp 1978
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random picks
Chien-Chi Chang
The Chain
Helena van der Kraan
Helena van der Kraan
Ray K. Metzker
City Stills
William S. Saunders
Modern Architecture
Photographs by Ezra Stoller
Robert Frank
Frank Films. The Film and Video Work of Robert Frank
Josef Koudelka
Reconnaissance Wales
Out of the Ordinary / Extraordinary
Japanese Contemporary Photography
Rolf Lauter
Jeff Wall
Robert Adams
Los Angeles Spring
Lee Friedlander
Lee Friedlander
John Gossage
Putting back the Wall
Anthony Hernandez
Pictures of Rome
Gerard Petrus Fieret
Foto en Copyright by G.P. Fieret - Volume 2
Gabriele Basilico
Text Gabriel Bauret
James Agee
Preisen will ich die großen Männer
2 kilo of KesselsKramer
Koji Onaka
Koji Onaka: Latvia, Spain
In - between 3
Jonathan Crary
Techniken des Betrachters
Sehen und Moderne im 19. Jahrhundert
Anna Gaskell
Story by Tom Jones. Essay by Nancy Spector
Johji Yamamoto
238 Fashion pictures. 1995-2000
Amanda Tetrault
Phil and Me
Iwao Yamawaki
Bas Princen
Galleria Naturale. Line veloce Bologna-Milano / 7
Krass Clement
Sophie Calle
Frederick Sommer
The Art of Frederick Sommer
Photography, Drawing, Collage
Italien sehen und sterben
Photographien der Zeit des Risorgimento
Loretta Lux
Loretta Lux
Igor Kostin
Tschernobyl Nahaufnahme
Bruno Barbey
The Italians
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Architecture Of Time
Ute Behrend
The last year of childhood - Upcoming very soon!
William Klein
Hylton Nel
Hylton Nel
Martin Parr
Guardian Cities Project
Matthias Hoch
Fotografien/ Photographs
Gérard Pétremand
Promised land
Toshiko Okanoue
Drop of Dreams
works 1950-1956
Bruce Weber
Branded Youth and other Stories
Verena Winkelmann
Jim Dine
Gefesselter Blick
25 kurz Monografien und Beiträge über neue Werbegestaltung
Klaus Staeck
Frohe Zukunft
Fotografien aus dreißig Jahren
Heidi Specker
Bangkok - french edition!
Goto Go
Day by Day
Anya Janssen