random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Nina Schmitz
SC, 16,5 x 23 cm., o.pp.
Alte Feuerwache Neuss 2001
random picks
Hannah Modigh
Hillbilly Heroin, Honey
Sally Mann
Proud flesh
Lee Friedlander
Lee Friedlander
Shift! Lichtbildvortrag
Katy Grannan
Model American
Eusebius Wirdeier
Viel passiert. Das Buch zum BAP-Film
Andrew Phelps
Not Niigata
JH Engström
From Back Home
Frank Rothe
Running Through the Wind
Kikuji Kawada
Theatrum Mundi
Martin Parr
The Photobook: A History. Volume II
Thomas Manneke
Vilnius. 22'08 2004 - 15'12 2004
John Hinde
Our true intent is all for your delight
The John Hinde Butlin's Photographs
Magali Nougarede
Toeing the Line
John Lambrichts
Oeverlangen aan de Maas
Charlotte Cotton
The Photograph as Contemporary Art
Black Brown White
Fotografie aus Südafrika
Michael Schmidt
Berlin nach 45
Dennis Hopper
A Keen Eye. Artist, Photographer, Filmmaker
Stephen Shore
The Gardens at Giverny
Rene Groebli
Magie der Schiene
Gedicht von Albert Ehrismann
Olivier Cablat
A Typological Study on the Effects of Causality observed
on Individuals exposed to Physical Exercise of a Podiatrical Nature
Susanna Ott
William Eggleston
Die frühen Farbfotografien (1965 - 1976)
Martin Pudenz
Licht im Himmel
Light in the Heavens
Bertrand Fleuret
The Risk of an Early Spring
Gilles Peress
Telex Iran
Naoya Hatakeyama
Christer Strömholm
In memory of himself. Christer Strömholm in the eyes of his beholders
Sarah Carlier
Four years, three deaths, sweaty armpits and a fetus
Jolanda Bucher
Hannah Villiger
Harvey Benge
Killing time in paradise
James Innes-Smith
Big Hair
Bill Jacobson
Robin Maddock
Our kids are going to hell
Sally Mann
Unmittelbare Familie
Roni Horn
Beat Streuli
Irving Penn
Photographs of Dahomey
Marc Solal
Doubles Vies
Katja Stuke
Böhm #38. In-n-Out
Robert Heinecken
Alfred Ehrhardt
Walker Evans
The Getty Museum Collection
by Judith Keller
Roland Barthes
Die helle Kammer. Bemerkungen zur Photographie
Foam: Mario Testino
Chargesheimer persönlich
Useful Photography No. 003
Walker Evans
Of Time and Place
by Thomas W. Southall
William Eggleston
For now