random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Andreas Schmidt
The City
HC, 29,5 x 25 cm., 144 pp., 124 Abb.
Hatje Cantz 2009
random picks
Florian Ebner
P > S'
Tom Hunter
Tom Hunter
Slavica Perkovic
Betty Kim Irena Skavika
Fotografische Recherchen in der Stadt
Tadao Ando
Architektur der Stille
Architecture of Silence
Renée Scharzenbach-Wille
Bilder mit Legenden
Larry Towell
The World From My Front Porch
Ruth Horak
Rethinking Photography I+II
The Helsinki School 2. New Photography by TaiK
Rob van der Nol
14 - 11 - 2005 10:32 - 11:56 2310 stappen
Anders Petersen
Du mich auch
Richard Prince
Photographs - Paintings
Lee Friedlander
Terry Jones
Smile i-D
Fashion and Style: The Best from 20 years of i-D
Roberto Bissani
Prima del Distacco
René Burri
El Gaucho
Paul Almasy
by Klaus Kleinschmidt and Axel Schmid
Guy Bourdin
Exhibit A
Japan Today
European Eyes on Japan
Dirk Alvermann
Keine Experimente
Gillian Wearing
Lee Friedlander
Self Portrait
Hellen van Meene
Tout va disparaitre
Diane Arbus
2 kilo of KesselsKramer
Morten Andersen
Color F.
Robert Adams
Why People Photograph
Katja Stuke
Böhmkobayashi Encyclopedia
Anders Petersen
Close distance
JH Engström
Sketch Of Home
Chris Coekin
Knock Three Times. Working men, social clubs and other stories
Paolo Pellegrin
Kosovo, 1999 - 2000. The Flight of Reason
Pipilotti Rist
Apricots Along The Street
Die Klasse
Chris Killip
Pirelli Works
André Mérian
Walker Evans
Walker Evans : Lyric Documentary
Selections from the FSA Works
Viggo Mortensen
Bien-U Bae
Sacred Wood
Jean-Frédéric Schnyder
Zugerstrasse - Baarerstrasse
Andy Warhol
Paintings and Sculptures 1964 -1969