random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Garry Winogrand
The Animals
MOMA 1969
random picks
Juergen Teller
Wilhelm Schürmann
Pegel Köln
Stefan Roemer
Begegnungen mit Deutschen
encounters with germans
everyday is not like everyday
queensday / koniginnedag
Pandora's Box. All parallel exhibitions of the Photofestival 2001
Moises Saman
This is War
Witness to Man's Destruction
Daido Moriyama
Daido Moriyama
Frank Gaudlitz
Warten auf Europa
Begegnungen an der Donau / Waiting for Europe
Mary Panzer
things as they are
Photojournalism in Context since 1955
Terry Richardson
Son of Bob
Gillian Wearing
David Douglas Duncan
Photo Nomads
Evzen Sobek
Life in Blue
Lawrence Weiner
How to touch what
Korrie Besems
A contrived Past
Lewis Baltz
The Prototype Works / Tract Houses / Industrial Parks
Andrea Holzherr (Ed.)
The Helsinki School 4 A Female View
Stephen Gill
Hackney Wick : Special edition
Andrea Robbins & Max Becher
The Transportation Of Place
Martin Parr
Witness #3
Petter Hegre
100 naked girls
Lewis Baltz
The new Industrial Parks near Irvine, California
Das neue Industriegelände in der Nähe von Irvine, Kalifornien
Michael Schmidt
Berlin. Stadtlandschaft und Menschen
Dörte Eißfeld
Shoichi Aoki
Ohio # 11
Photos von Burkhard Brunn (Hochsitze)
Kai Wiedenhöfer
Perfect Peace. The Palestinians from Intifada to Intifada
Tracy Metz
Nature as Artifice. New Dutch Landscape in Photography
Alex Webb
Under a Grudging Sun. Photographs From Haiti Libére 1986-1988
Rem Koolhaas
Doug Aitken
New Ocean
Joel Meyerowitz
The Arch
Essays by Joel Meyerowitz and Vivian Bower
Wim Wenders
Bilder von der Oberfläche der Erde
Carel van Hees
Play. A photographic record
Doug Aitken
A-Z Book (Fractals)
Lee Friedlander
Apples and Olives
Hasselblad Price 2005
Tobias Zielony
The Cast
Marc Räder
In deutschen Reihenhäusern
Blink. 100 Photographers, 10 Curators, 10 Writers
Raghubir Singh
Reinhold Mißelbeck
Köln-Ansichten. Fotografien von Karl Hugo Schmölz 1947-1985
Matthiew Barney
The Cremaster Cycle
Helmut Lederer
Helmut Lederer
Das fotografische Werk 1937-1981
Olaf Unverzart
Buena Vista Social Club