random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Michael Sondern
Sinnliche Enthüllungen
HC 25 x 33,5 cm o.S.
Weingarten 2001
random picks
Paolo Roversi
Luke Batten
New Catalogue
Big Ten Co-Eds, Preppy Girls, The Lost Cheerleaders
Virginia Beahan
No Ordinary Land
Encounters in a changing environment
Reinhold Mißelbeck
Köln lebt
Fotografien von Hugo und Karl Hugo Schmölz 1926 bis 1969
Musicians. Portraits 1981-2001
Peter Galassi
Walker Evans & Company
Zur Vorstellung des Terrors
Nick Waplington
Truth or Consequences
A Personal History of American Photography from the Last Century
Michael Subotzky
Beaufort West
Martin Parr
The Photobook: A History. Volume I
Mark McPherson
Hijacked Volume 2: Australia / Germany
Jacqueline Hassink
The Power Book
Netherlands Now
L' école du Nord
Richard Avedon
In The American West
Joel Sternfeld
Sweet Earth. Experimental Utopias in America
Miyako Ishiuchi
Photographs 1976 - 2005
Cat Tuong Nguyen
Underdog Suite
Fotografien und Collagen 1996-2009
Rudy Vanderlans
Goran Galic
Photographers in Conflict
Robert Smithson
Arnold Odermatt
David Lynch
Images/ Bilder
Walker Evans
The Getty Museum Collection
by Judith Keller
Samer Mohdad
Mes Arabies
Matthew Barney
Cremaster 3
Susan Kismaric
Fashioning fiction in photography since 1990
Henry Wessel
Henry Wessel
Michael Stevenson
The Mlungu in Africa
art from the colonial period, 1840 - 1940
Das Versprechen der Fotografie
Die Sammlung der DG Bank Hrsg. von Luminita Sabau
Andreas Magdanz
BND - Standort Pullach
Michael Kenna
A Twenty Years Retrospective
Axel Hütte
As Dark as Light
Brigitte Lardinois
Magnum Magnum
Silver & Gold
Klasse Rautert / Fotografie
Useful Photography No. 004
Lars Tunbjörk
Landet Utom Sig.
Texter av Thomas Tidholm och Göran Greider
Snap me one!
Studiofotografen in Afrika
Koji Onaka
1999 - 2001
Mitch Epstein
The City
Lutz Essers
DesignGuide Köln / Cologne
Karsten Kronas
Beyoglu Blue
Takehiko Nakafuji
Enter the Mirror
William A. Ewing
Edward Steichen. In High fashion
Seine Jahre bei Condè Nast 1923 - 1937
Albrecht Fuchs
MK 95
Jacques-Henri Lartigue
Eiland Insel Island Eilaun
Bauhaus Weimar. Entwürfe für die Zukunft
Wolfgang Tillmans
Wer Liebe wagt lebt morgen