random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Jürgen Vollmer
The Beatles in Hamburg
HC, 19,5 x 24 cm., o.pp.
Schirmer/Mosel 2004
random picks
Miro Svolík
The way to the centre
Brian Rose
The Lost Border
The Landscape of the Iron Curtain
Andreas Trogisch
photo folder #2 from 6 folders
Contemporary Photography from the Far East
Asian Dub Photography
Osamu Kanemura
Spider's Strategy
Una Hunderi
Happy End of the World
Marjaana Kella
Jacqueline Hassink
The Power Book
Joan Fontcuberta (ed.)
Photography. Crisis of history
Mined ...
never mined, Issue 3
Michael Wolf
The Transparent City
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
Nudes. The Blue House
Helmut Newton
Us and Them
Reagan Louie
Orientalia: Sex in Asia
Peter Bialobrzeski
Case study homes
Antoine D´Agata
Heinrich Riebesehl
Fotografische Serien 1963-2001
Georg Aerni
Sites & Signs
Henry Bond
Point and Shoot
Josef Koudelka
Theatre du Temps
Robert Frank
Die Amerikaner
Einführung von Jack Kerouac
Vik Muniz
Reflex : A Vik Muniz Primer
Marie-Jo Lafontaine
Babylon Babies
Frauen sehen Frauen. Eine Bildgeschichte der Frauen-Photographie von Julia Margaret Cameron bis Inez van Lamsweerde
Wall and Piece
Ed Ruscha
Course of Empire. United States Pavilion, 51st, Venice Biennale
Jürgen Escher
Leben Helfen
John Duncan
Be Prepared
Masafumi Sanai
Wolfgang Tillmans
Wolfgang Tillmans 3 Vol. Box
Tillmans, Tillmans Burg, and Truth Study Centre
Jacob Aue Sobol
Chritian Gapp
Digitales Bild ? Bildung des Digitalen
Andreas Gefeller
The Japan Series
Useful Photography No. 001
Celine van Balen
Thomas Demand
Christiane Stahl
Lebendiger Kristall
Jussi Puikkonen
On Vacation
Island. The island of Schiemonnikog by 7 photographers
Cindy Sherman
The Complete Untitiled Film Stills
Roni Horn
What is that Thing called Photography
Lewis Baltz
Die Toten von Newport Beach - The Deaths' in Newport
Geschichten von Verlangen und Macht - Stories of Desire and Power
Jan Banning
Vom Mythos zum Fragment
Aktphotographien aus der Smlg. Moritzburg-Halle Landeskunstmuseum Sachsen-Anhalt
Dennis Hopper
Fotografien von 1961 bis 1967
Werner Faulstich
Hans van der Meer
Dutch Fields
Daido Moriyama
Witness #2
Ed van der Elsken
Ed van der Elsken: My Amsterdam
Jolanda Bucher
Hannah Villiger
Aaron Rose
Beautiful Losers
Contemporary Art and Street Culture
Das Gesicht der Welt
Grosse Augenblicke des Fotojournalismus
David Okuefuna
The Dawn of the Color Photograph
Albert Kahn's Archives of the Planet