random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Pip Erken
Remnants of the recent past. The Soviet energy legacy
SC in slipcase, 20 x 26,5 cm., o.pp.
Erken 2010
random picks
Reinhold Mißelbeck
Schöne Ruinen
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
Mexico - New York
Robin Maddock
God Forgotten Face
Mundos Creados. Latin-American photography
Michael A. Smith
A Visual Journey. Photographs from Twenty-Five Years
Eusebius Wirdeier
Viel passiert. Das Buch zum BAP-Film
Wilhelm von Gloeden
Et in arcadia ego
Nick Nostitz
Bangkok´s Twilight Zone
Stephen Shore
Uncommon Places
Martin Parr
The Photobook: A History. Volume II
Thekla Ehling
Vergiszmeinnicht / Forgetmenot - Collector's Edition
Berenice Abbott
Changing New York
Lars Tunbjörk
I Love Borás !
Margaret M. De Lange
Surrounded by No One
Julian Germain
For Every Minute You Are Angry You Lose Sixty Seconds Of Happiness
Danny Lyon
Like a thief´s dream
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Walter Pfeiffer
Night and Day
Boris Mikhailov
Look at me I look at water
Dave Anderson
One block
A New Orlaens Neighborhood Rebuilds
Marc Solal
Doubles Vies
Daido Moriyama
Retrospective Since 1965
Fischli & Weiss
Hrsg. v. Florian Matzner
Paolo Ventura
War Souvenir
JH Engström
Trying to Dance
Kevin Moore
Starburst. Color Photography in America 1970-1980
Wolfgang Vollmer
Eine Novelle der Fotografie
Harvey Benge
China Story
Wolfgang Ullrich
Die Geschichte der Unschärfe
Bruce Davidson
Daido Moriyama
Michael Schmidt
Berlin. Stadtlandschaft und Menschen
Rob Hornstra
Safety First
Anton Corbijn
A.somebody, strijen,holland
Paul Strand
La France de Profil
Olaf Otto Becker
Above zero
The Open Book
A history of the photographic book from1878 to the present
Brian Rose
The Lost Border
The Landscape of the Iron Curtain
Touhami Ennadre
Schwarzes Licht, Black Light, Lumiere noire
Ralf Peters
Plastische Fotografie
La Mirada - Looking at Photography in Latin America