random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Robert Frank
The Lines of My Hand
SC 23 x 32,5 cm o.pp.
Lustrum 1972
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random picks
Michael Ackerman
The Big Book of Typographics
The Helsinki School 3. Young Photography by TaiK
Herbert Tobias
Bilder der Sehnucht
Photographien 1951-1960
Tucker Shaw
everything I ate
a year in the life of my mouth
Ludwig Schirmer
zu Hause
Reto Camenisch
Reto Camenisch
Petter Hegre
Russian Lolita
Ann Mandelbaum
Thin Skin
Joel Meyerowitz
La natura delle cittá
Testi di Joel Meyerowitz
Edgar Honetschläger
Tokyo Plain
G. Roland Biermann
The Tryptichs
Robert Adams
What we Bought: The New World
Scenes From The Denver Metropolitain Area 1970-1974
John Cohen
There is no eye - photographs
Richard Avedon
Promised land
Judith Joy Ross
Living with War. Portraits
Richard Misrach
The Sky Book
David Lachapelle
Hotel Lachapelle
Wolfgang Tillmans
Totale Sonnenfinsternis / Total Solar Eclipse
Fotografien und Zeichnungen/ Photographs and Drawings
Willie Doherty
Extracts from a File
Stefanie Schneider
Stranger than Paradise. nd - projects
Stefan Roemer
Künstlerische Strategien des Fake
Kritik von Original und Fälschung
Reinhold Mißelbeck
Schöne Ruinen
Paul Ouwerkerk
Lotus ... State of Mind
Roberto Bissani
Prima del Distacco
Larry Clark
Los Angeles
2003 - 2006
Anja Müller
...aller Liebe Anfang
Michael Schmidt
Landschaft Waffenruhe Selbst Menschenbilder (Ausschnitte)
Bertien van Manen
Give Me Your Image
Lewis Baltz
The Deaths in Newport
Harvey Benge
4 new Books
Text book, I look at, China, Sometimes
William Eggleston
Spirit of Dunkerque
Rotterdam Cologne Connection
RCC #3
Stadtrundgang - special edition
Fabio Boni
Orizzonte e tempo
Archivo della memoria.5
Bauhaus. Dessau Chicago New York
Sebastiáo Salgado
Dolores Marat
Toni Schneiders
Toni Schneiders Fotografie
Haubitz + Zoche
Sinai Hotels
Jason Fulford
Raising Frogs for $$$
Phillipp March
Abenteuer Japanische Fotografie 1860 - 1890
Natascha Stellmach
The Book of Back
Walker Evans
American Photographs - Errata book #2
Lee Friedlander
Work from the same House
Photographs & Etchings
Paul Wolff
Formen des Lebens. Botanische Lichtbildstudien (1931)
Reihe "Die Blauen Bücher"
Thomas Zika
Joan Fontcuberta
Peter Bialobrzeski
Lost in Transition
Lewis Baltz
Regel ohne Ausnahme / Rule without Exception
Karianne Bueno
De Overkant. Amsterdam Noord