random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Kai-Uwe Gundlach
EDO. Three Chapters Tokyo
SC, 31,5 x 30 cm., o.pp.
White Press via 2010
random picks
Matt Mahurin
Stefan Roemer
Begegnungen mit Deutschen
encounters with germans
Geoffroy de Boismenu
Geoffroy de Boismenu: Libenter
Larry Fink
Social Graces
Derek Ridgers
When we were young
Derek Ridgers: Club and Street Portraits '78 - 87
Charlotte Cotton
The Photograph as Contemporary Art
Marrigje de Maar
Red Roses Yellow Rain
Eusebius Wirdeier
Noh un Noh
Bernhard Fuchs
Portrait Fotografien
Willem Diepraam
Bauhaus. Dessau Chicago New York
Nina Poppe
AMA - Collector's Ed. with 2 prints
Richard Billingham
Ray's a laugh
Hermann Krone
Experiment. Kunst. Massenmedium
Claudia Rorarius
What it Feels
Lee Friedlander
Lee Friedlander
Monica Studer
Being a Guest
Robert Lebeck
Kiosk. Eine Geschichte der Fotografie. A History of Photojournalism
Keizo Kitajima
Shinjuku 79
James Higginson
Portraits Of Violence
Metamorphoses De L´Electricite
Taryn Simon
The Innocents
Natalie Pelosi
It ain't me, Babe
Ed Jones (Ed.)
Nein, Onkel. Snapshots from another Front 1938-1945
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
Mexico - New York
James Mollison
The Memory of Pablo Escobar
Conrad Godly
Of course, I remember You!
Rolf Lauter
Jeff Wall
Andreas Schmidt
Las Vegas
Useful Photography No. 002
Robert Adams
Turning Back
German Edition
Jitka Hanzlová
Christer Strömholm
In memory of himself. Christer Strömholm in the eyes of his beholders
Takashi Homma
In Our Nature
Kikuji Kawada
Kikuji Kawada / The Map
William Eggleston
Horses & Dogs
Michael Leicht
Wie Katie Tingle sich weigerte, ordentlich zu posieren und Walker Evans darüber nicht grollte
Eine kritische Bildbetrachtung sozialdokumentarischer Fotografie
Antoine D´Agata
Home Town
Gabriele Basilico
Work Book
1969 / 2006
Martin Blume
Dorothea Lynch
Exploding into Life
Paolo Pellegrin
New York
Jens Liebchen
The Flag
Jürgen Teller
Ohne Titel
Hans-Michael Koetzle
Photographers A-Z
Lee Friedlander
Alec Soth
Sleeping by the Mississippi
William Eggleston
Elvis at Graceland
Stephen Shore
Der Rote Bulli. Stephen Shore und die Neue Düsseldorfer Fotografie / ... and the New Düsseldorf Photography
Rob Hornstra
Roots of the Rúntur
La Mirada - Looking at Photography in Latin America
Katja Stuke
Suits vs. Facts & Fiction
Rip Hopkins
Stephen Gill