random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Portraits / Visages
SC 22,5x25 cm 182 pp.
Bibliotheque nationale de France / Gallimard
random picks
Erik Kessels
Strangers in my Photoalbum
Jeff Wall
Jeff Wall: Selected Essays and Interviews
Mark Morrisroe
Valentina Seidel
Exchange. Portraits with Artists
Raymond Meeks
Sound of Summer Running
Terri Weifenbach
Snake Eyes
Taryn Simon
The Innocents
Ed van der Elsken
Amsterdam! Oude Foto's 1947-1970
Michael Koetzle
Revision einer Legende
Wolfgang Zurborn
China ! Which China ?
Allan Sekula
Fish Story
Andreas Mader
Die Tage Das Leben
Rene Groebli
Magie der Schiene
Gedicht von Albert Ehrismann
Priska Pasquer
La trajectoire du regard. Une Collection de Photographies du XXe Siècle
Larry Clark
*Bibliografie / Bibliography
Susan Meiselas
Nicaragua. June 1978 - July 1979
Una Hunderi
Happy End of the World
Joel Sternfeld
Campagna Romana
The Countryside of Ancient Rome
Six by Six (6x6) - Set One of Six by Six Series
David Byrne
True Stories
Erik Steinbrecher
Christian Gieraths
Kim Bouvy
Berlin ohne die Mauer
Matt Mahurin
Albin Biblom
The Journals of Jacob Mandeville
Ulla Kimmig
Iran. Stillstand oder Aufbruch
Chris Steele-Perkins
Samer Mohdad
Mes Arabies
Ohio # 12
"e.V." / "registred association"
Herbert Tobias
Peter Dressler
Greifbare Schönheit / Tangible Beauty / Beaute Tangible
Hans Bellmer
Maximilian Rossner
Two and two makes five
Gregory Crewdson
Gregory Crewdson 1985 - 2005
Chris Keulen
Hete Glassplinters - Le Tour D'Afrique
Gregoire Pujade-Lauraine
The Significant Savages
Fotografie nach der Fotografie
Hrsg. v. Hubertus v. Amelunxen, Stefan Iglhaut und Florian Rötzer
Marianne Müller
A Part of My Life
Hans van der Meer
schapen tellen
Chritian Gapp
Digitales Bild ? Bildung des Digitalen
Henry Fox Talbot
The Pencil of Nature
Netherlands Now
L' école du Nord
David Goldblatt
Diane Arbus
Diane Arbus: The Libraries
Thomas Weski
Photography, Made in Zürich
Harvey Benge
Text Book