random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Mark Steinmetz
Italia. Cronaca di amore - One Picture Book #64
No. 425 / 500
HC, 15 x 19 cm., 500 copies with one signed print.
Nazraeli 2010
random picks
One Day - 10 Photographers
Amanda de Cadenet
Rare Birds
Anders Petersen
Roma. a diary 2005
Paul Pfeiffer
Paul Pfeiffer
Kent Klich
Children of Ceauscescu
Danny Lyon
Forty Years
Shuhei Motoyama
Shuhei Motoyama: Luxembourg, The Netherlands
In - between 5
Joachim Schmid
Sinterklaas ziet alles
Photowork(s) in Progress
Amin El-Dib
Eine Reise nach Ägypten 1997. Edition 365
Shirin Neshat
Martin Fengel
Mobil 100
Seiichi Furuya
Mémoires 1983
Jochen Manz
Twentythree Bankers
Klaus Staeck
Foto Ramblas
Touhami Ennadre
Schwarzes Licht, Black Light, Lumiere noire
Sonja Braas
You are here
Frits Gierstberg
Miroslav Tichy
Olivier Jobard
Carnet de Route d`un immigrant clandestin
Erik Steinbrecher
Stubborn Statue
Robert Adams
Views of the Los Angeles Basin 1978-1983
Ohio # 12
"e.V." / "registred association"
Gabriele & Helmut Nothhelfer
Lange Augenblicke
Bill Owens
Suburbia. New & improved
Takashi Homma
In - between #1: Denmark & Poland
Joakim Eskildsen
Nordtegn - Nordic Signs
Deutsche Fotografie. Macht eines Mediums 1870-1970
Netherlands Now
L' école du Nord
Jeanne Faust
Thomas Weski
click doubleclick
Das dokumentarische Moment
Alec Soth
Dog Days Bogotá
John Gossage
Berlin in the Time of the Wall
Heidi Specker
Bangkok - french edition!
Jason Fulford
Raising Frogs for $$$
Nicolas Nixon
Richard Prince
The girl next door
Josef Koudelka
Gottfried Jäger
Concrete Photography
Konkrete Fotografie
Mochizuki Masao
Television 1975 - 76
Walker Evans
American Photographs
with an essay by Lincoln Kirstein
Christian Andersen
Explosions/with-without my friends
Paolo Ventura
War Souvenir
Ray K. Metzker
Shoichi Aoki