random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Warm Up
Studierende der Klasse Bernhard Prinz
SC 20 x 27 cm
Edition Kunsthandel 2003
random picks
Tracy Metz
Nature as Artifice. New Dutch Landscape in Photography
Robert Lebeck
Kiosk. Eine Geschichte der Fotografie. A History of Photojournalism
Baptiste Lignel
Coney Island
Willi Rose
Shadows of War. A German Soldier's Lost Photographs of WW II
Thomas Neumann
Pictures from Utopia
Hervé Chandès
Francesca Woodman
Texts by Philippe Sollers, David Levi Strauss, Elizabeth Janus, Sloan Rankin
Werner Möller
Die Welt spielt Roulette. Zur Kultur der Moderne in der Krise 1927-1932
Manfred Willmann
Das Land. 1981-1993
Darin Mickey
Stuff I gotta remember not to forget
Alex Kershaw
Robert Capa
Der Fotograf des Krieges
Doug Aitken
New Ocean
Zoltán Jokáy
Der, die, das
John Baldessari
Somewhere Between Almost Right and Not Quite (With Orange)
Garry Winogrand
The Man in the Crowd
The uneasy streets of Garry Winogrand
Paul Strand
La France de Profil
Jens Liebchen
DL 07 stereotypes of war. A photographic investigation
Thomas Ruff
Charlie White
Walker Evans
American Photographs
with an essay by Lincoln Kirstein
Dieter Bachmann
Der Körper der Photographie
Eine Welterzählung in Aufnahmen der Sammlung Herzog
Andreas Herzau
New York
James Agee
Preisen will ich die großen Männer
Jocelyn Bain Hogg
The Firm
Alexandre Rodschenko
la femme enjeu
Henri Cartier-Bresson
In India
everyday is not like everyday
queensday / koniginnedag
Models. A collection of 132 German police uniforms and how they should be worn.
Rob Hornstra
101 Billionaires
Laure Vasconi
Fictions intimes
Jean-Claude Lemagny
Atget- le pionnier
Boris Mikhailov
Look at me I look at water
David Bailey
Erwin Olaf
Violence and Passion
Text by Jonathan Turner
Vincent Cianni
We Skate Hardcore
Eugene Richards
Stepping through the ashes
Chihiro Minato
Chihiro Minato: France, Greece
In - between 2
Lee Friedlander
Fourteen American Monuments
Ahlam Shibli
Hara Mikiko
Hysteric Thirteen
Ed van der Elsken
Fotografie + Film 1949-1990
Paolo Pellegrin
Stern Spezial Fotografie Portfolio Nr.57
Olivier Beer
Lucien Hervé
Shinichiro Kobayashi
The Beautiful Ruin
Mauro D' Agati
Palermo Unsung
Hans Christian Adam
Berlin. Portal einer Stadt