random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
James Agee, Walker Evans
Let us praise famous men
HC 20 x 23,5 cm 416 pp.
Violette 2001
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"A great book... the most important effort of our american generation."
Lionel Trilling
random picks
Josef Koudelka
Roger Eberhard
Wilted Country
Leigh Ledare
Pretend You´re Actually Alive
Fischli & Weiss
Hrsg. v. Florian Matzner
Andreas Gursky
Jeanne Faust
Jessica Backhaus
One Day in November
Takehiko Nakafuji
Enter the Mirror
Manfred Willmann
Das Land. 1981-1993
Chritian Gapp
Digitales Bild ? Bildung des Digitalen
Masafumi Sanai
Lauren Greenfield
Girl Culture
Rupert Pfab
Studien zur Düsseldorfer Photographie
Urs Stahel
Ja, was ist sie denn, die Fotografie ?
René Burri
One World. Fotografien und Collagen 1950-1983
Promised land
H. J. A. Hofland
The Times of Sem Presser - De tiden van Sem Presser
Boris Groys
Unter Verdacht. Eine Phänomenologie der Medien
Richter Verlag Düsseldorf
Avedon Richard
Woman in the Mirror
Michael Wolf
Hong Kong: front door / back door
Thomas Weski
click doubleclick
Das dokumentarische Moment
Henry Bond
What gets You through the day
La vie quotidienne II
Goto Go
Day by Day
William Eggleston
Horses & Dogs
Anett Stuth
Heute ist die Vergangenheit. Today is the past
Rene Burri
77 Strange Sensations
Paul Shambroom
Achim Riechers
Hard Light
Joachim Schmid
Very Miscellaneous
Country Life. The Village Hall Exhibitions
Gabriele & Helmut Nothhelfer
Momente und Jahre
Robert Smithson
Barry Frydlender
Place and Time
Larry Clark
Los Angeles
2003 - 2006
Petter Hegre
Russian Lolita
Jan van Ijken
A touch of Divinity
Images of devotion in Eastern Europe
Reinhart Mlineritsch
Cover of Darkness
Renée Scharzenbach-Wille
Bilder mit Legenden
Dana Lixenberg
Jeffersonville Indiana
Eiko Grimberg
When Germans clap, it's like we boouuh
Oliver Sieber
Citizen's Handbook
Sylvia Plachy
Red Light. Inside the sex industry
Robert Adams
Turning Back
German Edition
Götz Diergarten
Ravenoville. 67 Fotobilder
Lee Friedlander
Afterword by Ingrid Sischy
Daido Moriyama
Keith F. Davis
An Amercan Century Of Photography from Dry-Plate to Digital
The Hallmark Photographic Collection
Rip Hopkins
Robert Frank
Seven Stories