random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Lewis Baltz
SC 27 x 22 cm 15 ill.
Castelli 1978
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random picks
Roman Buxbaum
Miroslav Tichy
Irving Penn
Objects for the Printed Pages
Paul Kooiker
Room Service
Dan Graham
Dan Graham by Dan Graham
Allen Sekula
Geography Lesson: Canadian Notes
Masahisa Fukase
Hysteric Twelve
Vitamin Ph
New Perspectives in Photography
Ahmet Unver
Far away
Fred Ritchin
In Our Own Image
The Coming Revolution in Photography
Martin Parr
Saddam Hussein Watches
Michael Light
LA Day / La Night
Erik Kessels
Karl Blossfeldt
Urformen der Kunst
Douglas Nickel
Snapshots. The Photography of Everyday Life. 1888 to the Present
Josef Koudelka
Achim Käflein
Harald Hauswald
Fotografien 1979-1999
Peggy Sirota
Guess Who
Ari Marcopoulos
Ad Rock / Adam Horovitz
Stephen Hughes
Adam Broomberg
Mr. Mkhize's portrait & other stories from the new South Africa.
Joel Meyerowitz
Creating a Sense of Space
Fotografie als Dimension der Malerei
Thomas Demand
Cuts, Papers and Leaves. Colomina & Kluge
Mechthild Op Gen OOrth
Berlin Berlin
Sebastiáo Salgado
Chris Steele-Perkins
Tokyo Love Hello
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Streetwork 1993-1997
Lee Friedlander
The Desert Seen
Tobias Zielony
The Cast
Gilles Mora
Walker Evans - Havana 1933
Richard Billingham
Ray's a laugh
Boris Becker
Didier Ben Loulou
Roland Barthes
Die helle Kammer. Bemerkungen zur Photographie
Jeff Wall
Szenarien im Bildraum der Wirklichkeit. Essays / Interviews
Wolfgang Tillmans
Leo Divendal
Roberto Polidori
After The Flood
Lewis Baltz
was wäre wenn
Juergen Teller
Nackig auf dem Fußballplatz
Niels Stomps
83 Days of Darkness
Joakim Eskildsen
Nordtegn - Nordic Signs
Renée Scharzenbach-Wille
Bilder mit Legenden
Gerard Petrus Fieret
Foto en Copyright by G.P. Fieret - Volume 2
Rem Koolhaas
Guide to Shopping
Project on the City 2 - Harvard Design School
The Big Book of Typographics
Richardson A3
Jean-Marc Bustamente
Long Playing
Bettina Flitner
Fauen mit Visionen
48 Europäerinnen. Mit Texten von Alice Schwarzer
heute bis jetzt
Zeitgenössische Fotografie aus Düsseldorf, Teil II