random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Ricardo Cases
The Frozen Wolf Hunt / La Caza del Lobo Congelado
SC, 15 x 21 cm., 80 pp
Fiesta 2009
Striking book hunting in Spain by the Nouveaux Riches
random picks
Andrés Marroquin Winkelmann
Conditions - Special Edition - Auf Anfrage!
Source #28
Autumn 2001
Michael Schmidt
Berlin - Wedding
Magnum Stories
Andreas Gursky
Alex Webb
From the Sunshine State
Photographs of Florida
Beatrice Minda
Innenwelt / Inner world
Carmela García
Chicas, deseos y ficción
Martin Fengel
Mobil 100
Photographien aus sechs Jahrzehnten
Sehnsucht nach Utopie
Film und Fotografie im Dialog
John Davies
The British Landscape
Rem Koolhaas
Anne Wilkes Tucker
Brassai: The Eye of Paris
Anthony Suau
Beyond the Fall
Verfall des Sowjetimperiums 1989-99
Stefanie Grebe (Ed.)
Wirklich Wahr! Realitätsversprechen von Fotografien
John Divola
Nan Goldin
The Other Side
Doug Aitken
Metall IC Sleep
Andreas Gursky
Peter Granser
Coney Island
Simone Nieweg
Text von Christoph Schaden
Ed Templeton
The Golden Age of Neglect
William S. Saunders
Modern Architecture
Photographs by Ezra Stoller
Urs Stahel
Ja, was ist sie denn, die Fotografie ?
Angela Strecker
Spirit of Fu
Drive-By Shots of North-West Vietnam and Graphic Design Reflections
Gabriele Muschter (Hrsg.)
DDR Frauen fotografieren
Lexikon und Anthologie
Robert Adams
Along some Rivers
Andres Serrano
Body and Soul
Thekla Ehling
Vergiszmeinnicht / Forgetmenot
John Gossage
The Things that animals care about, and ...
Alessandro Bertolotti
Nudo. I libri fotografici dal 1895 ad oggi / Book of nudes
Richard Avedon
Made in France
Text by Judith Thurman
Olivier Cablat
Galaxie - WHITE PRESS #3
Heidi Specker
Kyungwoo Chun
Photographs, Video performances
Just Loomis
As We Are
Michael Light
LA Day / La Night
Graciela Iturbide
The Hasselblad award 2008
Christian Holstad
(Pressed Flowers)
Martin Parr
From Our Home to Your House
Harvey Benge
My House My Head
Ed Ruscha
Mountains and Portraits
Götz Diergarten
Will McBride
Mein Italien