random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Thomas Flechtner
HC 23,5 x 31 cm.
Lars Müller 2007
random picks
The Open Book
A history of the photographic book from1878 to the present
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Phlip-Lorca diCorcia
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Richard Prince
American English
John Gossage
Berlin in the Time of the Wall
Robert Lebeck
Tokyo / Moscow / Leopoldville
William Eggleston
Stranded in Canton
Anne de Mondenard
La Mission heliographique
Cinq photographes parcourent la France en 1851
Werner Amann
American. 1996 - 2009
Eirik Johnson
Sawdust mountain - ANSICHTS- / RESTEXEMPLAR!
Nan Goldin
The Other Side
Matthew Barney
Cremaster 3
Roni Horn
Dictionary of Water
Peter Weiermair
Die Sammlung E.J.
The Purple Journal
Number 1, Summer 04
Ray K. Metzker
City Stills
Horatiu Sava
(zurück nach) Transsilvanien
edition 365_12
Timm Rautert
Schauraum. New York 1969-70
Inez van Lamsweerde
Sally Mann
Proud flesh
Jonathan Green
American Photography
A Critical History 1945 to the Present
Gregory Crewdson
Richard Kern
Hugo Erfurth
Fotografie zwischen Tradition und Moderne
Mika Ninagawa
Acid Bloom
Wolfgang Zurborn
7 Bello
Krass Clement
Paris. Carnet de recherche
Barbara Klemm
Unsere Jahre
Bilder aus Deutschland 1968-1998
Morten Andersen
White Nights. Rock'n'roll Photography
Leigh Ledare
Pretend You´re Actually Alive
Ralph Gibson
thoughts on aesthetics and photography
Walker Robert
Color is Power
Yutaka Takanashi
Juergen Teller
Thorsten Scheid
Fotografie als Metapher
Zur Konzeption des Fotografischen im Film
Michael Schmidt
Robert Parke Harrison
The Architect´s Brother
Allan Sekula
Performance under Working Conditions
Reinhart Mlineritsch
Cover of Darkness
Henry Wessel
Night Walk
Duane Michals
The Theatre of Real Life 2001
Photo Stories in Duisburg
Naoya Hatakeyama
Lime Works
Denis Dailleux
Le Caire
Matthew Sleeth
Ten Series /
106 Photographs
John Gossage
Putting back the Wall
Susan Kismaric (Ed.)
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
Andrew Phelps
Nature De Luxe
Paolo Pellegrin
As I Was Dying
Jonathan Crary
Techniken des Betrachters
Sehen und Moderne im 19. Jahrhundert
Cecilie Malm Brundtland
Norwegian Art Photography
1970 - 2007
Sandra A. Phillips
Daido Moriyama: Stray Dog
Korrie Besems
A contrived Past