random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Lee Friedlander, Jim Dine
Work from the same House
Photographs & Etchings
Trigrim 1969
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random picks
John Gossage
Berlin in the Time of the Wall
Robert Maxwell
Jin Ohashi
Menomaeno Tsuduki
Andreas Mueller-Pohle
Foto + Video 1977-1999
Martin Parr
Fashion Magazine
Stiftung Zollverein (Hrsg.)
Cerna Hvezda - Schwarzer Stern
Reviere zwischen den Städten. Genius Loci von Kohle und Stahl
Tobias Zielony
The Cast
Todd Hido
Ted Partin
Who are you this time?
Ute Langanky
Heinrich Heidersberger
Bilder einer jungen Stadt
Tina Ruisinger
Faces of Photography
Encounters with 50 Master Photographers of the 20th Century
Eva Bertram
Vor der Tür / Non-Local
Sir Benjamin Stone
A record of England
Eugene Richards
Americans We
Naoya Hatakeyama
Under Construction
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Bruce Weber
A House is not a Home
Gabriele & Helmut Nothhelfer
Ulrich Mattner
Frankfurt Inside
Robert Frank
Essays über Robert Frank
Ellen Auerbach
Berlin Tel Aviv London New York
Frederic Lezmi
Poor Politicians #2
28 destroyed posters of Albanian politicians in the streets of Prishtina
Ralf Vulis
100 Naked Girls on a chair
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Liebe / Love
New York
Text by Thomas Page
Nina Berman
Purple Hearts
Back from Iraq
Todd Hido
Witness # 7
Enver Hirsch
Toast Hawaii
Reinhold Mißelbeck
Werner Mantz - Vision vom Neuen Köln. Fotografien 1926-1932
Daido Moriyama
Number 37
Amanda Tetrault
Phil and Me
Tiina Itkonen
Greg Gorman
Just Between Us
Lise Sarfati
Fashion Magazine. Austin, Texas
Juergen Teller
David Goldblatt
curated by Martin Parr
Vladimir Birgus
Czech Photography of the 20th Century - A Guide
Harvey Benge
You Are Here
Walker Evans
Paul Schimmel
Sigmar Polke
Photoworks: When Pictures Vanish
James Innes-Smith
Bad Hair
Wolfgang Zurborn
John Szarkowski
Ansel Adams at 100
Die grosse Retrospektive
Brian Rose
The Lost Border
The Landscape of the Iron Curtain
Buren. Neighbours. The Netherlands as seen by three foreign photographers