random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
James Innes-Smith
Big Hair
HC, 17 x 13 cm., o.pp.
Bloomsbury 2004
Von den Machern von Bad Hair. Das nennen wir eine sensationelle Sequel!
random picks
Ruth Erdt
The Gang
Text by/von Gianni Jetzer
Takashi Homma
Tokyo and My Daughter
Awoiska van der Molen
Honderd omeletjes met roomkaas
Takashi Homma
Stars and Stripes
New York December 26, 2001 - January 5, 2002
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Liebe / Love
Gerhard Vormwald
Arbeiten mit Fotografie 1968-2001
Bill Henson
Sofia Coppola
The virgin suicides
photo book
Strangers: The First ICP Triennial of Photography and Video
Cindy Sherman
Annika von Hausswolff
Annika von Hauswolff in dialogue with Sara Arrhenius
Torbjorn Rodland
Grav met utsikt / Grave with a View
Sze Tsung Leong
History Images
Eduard Boubat
Paul Seawright
Field Notes
Maria Morris Hambourg
Eartly Bodies. Irving Penn`s Nudes, 1949-1950
Ahmet Unver
Far away
Andrew Cross
Some Trains in America
Morten Andersen
Black and Blue
Narita Inspected
Japan Graphic Design Compiler
Max Regenberg
Gregory Crewdson
Pieter Hugo
The Hyena & Other Men
Andreas Müller - Pohle
European Photography #54
Thomas Demand
Camara - Cámara
Sally Mann
Unmittelbare Familie
Garry Winogrand
El juego de la fotografía. The Game of Photography
Inge Morath
New York
René Groebli
Dominic Davies
To Cage
Ulla Kimmig
Iran. Stillstand oder Aufbruch
Daniel Giesen
Fast Daheim
Luis Gonzales Palma
Poems of Sorrow
Source #29
Winter 2001
Paul Andriesse
Oliver Sieber
Deutsch. Young German Photographer
Toni Schneiders
Fotografie und Form. Photography and Form
Ed Ruscha
Ed Ruscha's Los Angeles
Gregory Crewdson
Gregory Crewdson 1985 - 2005
John Gossage
There and Gone. 124 Photographs
Hubertus von Amelunxen
Die aufgehobene Zeit
Die Erfindung der Photographie durch Henry Fox Talbot
Helmut Newton
Pages from the Glossies. Facsimiles 1956-1998
Satoru Toma
Ask the cat
Bruxelles - Limites
Werner Faulstich
Peter Bialobrzeski
The Raw and the Cooked