random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Jozo Palkovits
Lost Pictures
HC 25 x 18 cm 20 pp.
Edition Dino Simonett 2000
random picks
Emily Andersen
Paradise lost & found
Matthew Sleeth
The Bank Book
Joakim Eskildsen
Die Romareisen
Le romané phirimáta
Jörg Koopmann
Cat seen
René Groebli
Aaron Siskind
Lewis Baltz
was wäre wenn
Alexandre Rodschenko
la femme enjeu
Walker Evans
The Lost Work
Japan Today
European Eyes on Japan
Andreas Feininger
heute bis jetzt
Zeitgenössische Fotografie aus Düsseldorf, Teil II
Oliver Klobes
Creative Spots. Skateboarding & Art
Reinhard Doubrawa
Special Values
Robert Frank
One Hour
Zärtliche Betrachtungen schöner Damen. Photographien aus der Sammlung Gruber
Miro Svolík
The way to the centre
Takashi Homma
Stars and Stripes
New York December 26, 2001 - January 5, 2002
Jean-Marc Bustamente
Long Playing
Rem Koolhaas
Great Leap Foreward. Project on the City 1 - Harvard Design School
Gottfried Jäger
Generative Arbeiten 1967-1996. Drei Projekte
Kikuji Kawada
The Globe Theater
Nakahira Takuma
Hysteric Six
Hiro Matsuoka
The Undescribed Dance
Josef Sudek. The Pigment Prints 1947-1954
M. Vorobeichich (Moi Ver)
80 Photographies de Moï Ver
Andreas Gursky
Morten Andersen
Color F.
William Eggleston
Los Alamos
Eusebius Wirdeier
Die Wunderkammer der Agnes Bosen. Eine Inventur
Viviane Sassen
Garry Winogrand
Arrivals & Departures. The Airport Pictures
Ed Ruscha
European Photography Nr. 71
Spring / Summer 2002
Diana Blok
AY DIOS. Curacao Corazon Curacion
Paul Graham
Shimmer of Possibility
Martin Parr
Parrjektiv. Istanbul´da Stil Pesinde
Vladimir Birgus
The photographer Frantisek Drtikol
Thomas Weber
Henryk Ross - Lodz Ghetto Album
Selected by Martin Parr and Timothy Pruss
Paul Casaer
People, Bags, Bushes & Tracks
Cuny Janssen
Katharina Bosse
New Burlesque
Korrie Besems
A contrived Past
Peter Bialobrzeski
Paradise Now
Edmund Clark
Guantanamo. If the light goes out
Fischli & Weiss
Sichtbare Welt
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien 1994-1998
Edward Burtynsky
Residual Landscapes