random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Steve Pyke
Post Mortem
One picture book # 33
HC 15 x 19 cm., 500 copies, one print.
Nazraeli 2005
random picks
Bertrand Fleuret
The Risk of an Early Spring
Guido Costa
Nan Goldin
Stephen Gill
Coming Up For Air
Thomas Hoepker
Photographien 1955 - 2005
Roberto Bissani
Prima del Distacco
Nan Goldin
The Beautiful Smile. The Hasselblad Award 2007
Koji Onaka
Koji Onaka: Latvia, Spain
In - between 3
Walker Evans
Message from the Interior
Nan Goldin
I'll be your mirror
John Gossage
13 Ways To Miss A Train
Linea veloce Bologna - Milano /1
Fotografische Positionen 2010
René Magritte
Magritte et la photographie
Andrew Phelps
Not Niigata
Tobias Zielony
Behind the Block
Walker Evans
Ray K. Metzker
Alexander Binder
Oliver Sieber
Die Fußballspielerinnen
Letizia Battaglia
Passion Justice Liberté
Christophe Bourguedieu
Richardson A3
Robert Frank
Essays über Robert Frank
Ilkka Uimonen
Carl De Keyzer
God Inc.
André Wagner
Authentic Nature
John Gossage
Berlin in the time of the Wall
An exhibition about a book and its photographs
Roni Horn
Dictionary of Water
Carsten Meier
Public Parking
Alex Webb
City of a Hundred Names
Xiao Hui Wang
Close to the Eyes
Texts by Tilman Spengler and Xiao Hui Wang
William Eggleston
2 1/4
Mark Power
The Shipping Forecast
Oliver Sieber
Imaginary club
Philip Ursprung
Grenzen der Kunst
Allan Kaprow und das Happening Robert Smithson und die Land Art
Hannes Norberg
Hannes Norberg
Kent Klich
Picture Imperfect
Luc Chessex
Around the World
Loan Nguyen
Making Your Dreams Come True. Young British Photography
Yun Lee
private / public
Katharina Hesse
Human Negotiations
Sze Tsung Leong
History Images
Narita Inspected
Japan Graphic Design Compiler
Hans Aarsman
Vroom! Vroom!
Richard Misrach
Destroy This Memory
Thomas Demand
Cuts, Papers and Leaves. Colomina & Kluge
Deutschlandbilder. Ostkreuz / 17 fotografische Positionen35