random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Stephen Shore
Fotografien 1973-1993
HC, 29 x 24 cm., 132 pp.
Hrsg. v. Heinz Liesbrock
random picks
Simon Roberts
Philippe Durand
Cindy Sherman
Working Girl
Ten Out of Ten
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Masahisa Fukase
Memories of Father
Robin Muir
John Deakin. London - Paris - Rom. Straßenfotografie
Christiane Stahl
Alfred Ehrhardt
Naturphilosoph mit der Kamera
Slavica Perkovic
Betty Kim Irena Skavika
Walker Evans
American Photographs
with an essay by Lincoln Kirstein
Espen Krughaug
Lewis Baltz
The Prototype Works / Tract Houses / Industrial Parks
Stanley Kubrick
Still Moving Pictures. Fotografien 1945-1950
Jürgen Teller
Marc Jacobs Advertising 1998-2009
Mark Silva
Desperately seeking Twinka
One Picture book # 36
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Steve Schapiro
American Edge
Jacopo Pavesi
Street Covers
EU - Japan
In - between
Europe Today 2004 - 2005
M. Vorobeichich
Ein Ghetto im Osten. Wilna
Garry Winogrand
El juego de la fotografía. The Game of Photography
Werner Faulstich
Guy Tillim
Leopold & Mobutu
Bill Burke
Ehemals Privatbesitz
Indochina und sein koloniales Erbe
Joel Meyerowitz
La natura delle cittá
Testi di Joel Meyerowitz
Anett Stuth
Heute ist die Vergangenheit. Today is the past
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Architecture Of Time
Robert Frank
New York to Nova Scotia
Zdenek Felix
Art & Economy
Remy Comment
De la chute de graves sur une pente douce
Terry Jones
Smile i-D
Fashion and Style: The Best from 20 years of i-D
Purple 10
Special Portrait
Moises Saman
This is War
Witness to Man's Destruction
Katherine A. Bussard (Essay)
Sreet Art Street Life. From the 1950s to now
Don Hunstein
New York
Introduction by Stephen Potter
Reineke Otten
China Daily Life
Machiel Botman
Sweet Action #2
Porn for Girls
Allan Sekula
Titanic's wake
Chris Coekin
The Hitcher
Olivo Barbieri
The Waterfall Project
Robert Adams
Time Passes
Wolfgang Tillmans
For when I´m weak I´m strong
Matthias Hoch
Begrenzte Übersicht / limited Overview
Kurt Kaindl
Die unbekannten Europäer
Fotoreise zu den Aromunen, Sepharden, Gottscheern, Arberesche und Sorben.
Peter Granser
Coney Island
Eva Leitolf
Rostock Ritz (English Ed.)
Theo Baart
Eiland 7
Tales from Suburbia
Asako Narahashi
NU . E
Herlinde Koelbl
Jüdische Portraits. Photographien und Interviews
2 kilo of KesselsKramer