random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Annelies Strba
Frances and the elves
Frances und die Elfen
HC, 17 x 13 cm., in box.
Arnoldsche 2005
random picks
Hiro Matsuoka
Scenes and Stories
Island. The island of Schiemonnikog by 7 photographers
New York September 11 by MAGNUM Photographers
Ryan McGinley
Ryan McGinley
Andrey Tarkovsky
Lichtbilder - Die Polaroids
European Photography Nr. 71
Spring / Summer 2002
Steve Christ
The Polaroid Book
Joan Fontcuberta
Deconstructing Osama
The truth about the case of Manbaa Mokfhi
Euro Press Photo Awards 2003
Christophe Bourguedieu
Mark Power
The Shipping Forecast
Laura Noble
The Art Of Collecting Photography
Camera Austria
International 89/2005
du 06/2002. Polaroid. Eine Episode
Werner Amann
American. 1996 - 2009
Albert Watson
Barbara Klemm
Straßen Bilder
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien 1984-1993
Hrsg. v. Zdenek Felix
Wolfgang Ullrich
Die Geschichte der Unschärfe
Mary Ellen Mark
Bombay Falkland Road
Alfred Ehrhardt
Paul Almasy
Early Work / Das Frühwerk
Elisabeth Neudörfl
future world
Alec Soth
Dog Days Bogotá
Ute Langanky
Giorgio Baravalle
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Forgotten War
Erwin Olaf
Imagining Paradise
Bruce Weber
Imogen Cunningham
Mother´s Days
Mitch Epstein
Vietnam. A Book of Changes
Steve Pyke
Post Mortem
One picture book # 33
Charlotte Cotton
The Photograph as Contemporary Art
Candida Höfer
Projects: Done
Lee Friedlander
Self Portrait
Andrea Modica
Human Being
Takeshi Dodo
Amanda Tetrault
Phil and Me
Stefanie Grebe (Ed.)
Wirklich Wahr! Realitätsversprechen von Fotografien
Jules Spinatsch
We will never be so close again
Lars Tunbjörk
About face
Photography and the death of the portrait
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
Nudes. The Blue House
Lawrence Weiner
How to touch what
Andreas Gefeller
The Japan Series
European Photography
Number 76
David Goldblatt
curated by Martin Parr
William Eggleston
The Democratic Forest
Liselotte Strelow
Retrospektive 1908 - 1981