random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Péter Nadas
Schöne Geschichte der Fotografie
HC, 13 x 21 cm., 132 pp.
Berlin 2001
random picks
Garry Winogrand
Public Relations
Thomas Hoepker
DDR - Ansichten
David Levi Strauss
Between the Eyes. Essays on Photography and Politics
James Higginson
Portraits Of Violence
Natascha Stellmach
The Book of Back
Roni Horn
To Place
Postcards from the first 8 books: 1991 - 2001
Andreas H. Bitesnich
Moreno Gentili
NYC New York Revisited
Deanna Templeton
Your logo here. Photographs from Southern California, 2004-2006
Alexandr Hackenschmied
Darin Mickey
Stuff I gotta remember not to forget
Masato Seto
Naoya Hatakeyama
Slow Glass
Eikoh Hosoe
Doris Frohnapfel
Border Horizons
Photographs from Europe
Charif Benhelima
Harlem on my mind- I was, I am
Nan Goldin
Luzifers Garten
Erwin Blumenfeld
Erwin Blumenfeld: His Dutch Years
Julius Shulman
Vest Pocket Pictures
Nicolas Nixon
The Brown Sisters
Brigitte Bauer
Lucinda Devlin Andreas Gursky Candida Höfer
Räume Rooms
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Foto, Praha
Shuhei Motoyama
Shuhei Motoyama: Luxembourg, The Netherlands
In - between 5
Susan Meiselas
Carnival Strippers
Positions. Attitudes. Actions
Social an political commitment in photography
Roswitha Hecke
Roy Finer
M. Vorobeichich (Moi Ver)
110 Photos de Moi Wer
Lise Sarfati
Fashion Magazine. Austin, Texas
Kai-Olaf Hesse
Topography of the Titanic
Homer Sykes
Shanghai Odyssey
Blink. 100 Photographers, 10 Curators, 10 Writers
Erika Billeter
Fotografie Lateinamerika 1860-1993
Canto a la Realidad
Antoine D´Agata
Susan Lipper
Text by Frederick Barthelme
Tom Lingnau
Heft 7 - Are you friendly or are you not?
Espen R. Krughaug
Before Dawn
Lisette Model
Christian Boltanski
Country Life in the Urban Age
I am a camera
The Saatchi Gallery
Wall and Piece
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Wer sind Sie, Henri Cartier-Bresson?
Das Lebenswerk in 602 Bildern
Birgit Recki
Bild und Reflexion
Danny Lyon
Indian Nations. Pictures of American Indian Reservations in the Western U.S.
Bruce Wrighton
At home
Settings & Playings. Theatrical ambiguity in American photography
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Liebe / Love
Jerusalem Exposure
Sally Mann
Unmittelbare Familie
Ken Schles
Oculus - Limited Editions
Achim Riechers
Hard Light
Karin Elvarsóttir
mórar - naervidd
Purple #16
Bela Doka
The Sundays of life
Joachim Schmid
Photoworks 1982 - 2007
Brigitte Lardinois
Magnum Magnum
Viviane Sassen
Manfred Willmann
Die Sieger. Arbeiten 1971-1989
Vilém Flusser
Ins Universum der technischen Bilder
Hajime Sawatari
Hysteric Ten