random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Jim Goldberg
Raised by Wolves
SC, 23 x 30,5 cm., 315 pp.
Scalo 1997
random picks
Reiner Leist
American Portraits
Essays by Vicki Goldberg, Claus Leggewie, Christoph Menke
Ulrike Myrzik
Die Hecke / The Hedge
Eikoh Hosoe
Theatre of Memory
Mika Ninagawa
Earthly Flowers, Heavenly Colors
1995 - 2008
Barry Frydlender
Place and Time
Ted Partin
Who are you this time?
Just Loomis
As We Are
Paul Seawright
Luc Sante
Hajime Sawatari
Hysteric Ten
Pieter Wisse
I Believe in 88
Helmut Newton
Big Nudes
Stephen Gill
Hackney Wick : Special edition
Jörg Koopmann
Born in Brennen
Mayumi Lake
Chris Killip
Pirelli Works
Andreas Grusky
Paul Kooiker
Utrechtse Krop
Nikki S. Lee
Keith Carter
Twenty years : Photographs
Vittore Fossati
In riva ai fiumi vicino ai ponti
Joachim Schmid
Sinterklaas ziet alles
Photowork(s) in Progress
Peter Riedlinger
Hero City / Heldenstadt
Wall and Piece
Hans-Christian Schink
Sigrid Schneider
Schwarzweiss und Farbe
Das Ruhrgebiet in der Photographie
Jeff Wall
Jeff Wall
Steve McCurry
Michael Schmidt
Berlin. Stadtlandschaft und Menschen
Claudio Moser
Walk On
Daido Moriyama
The world through my eyes
Bernard Plossu
forget me not
Peggy Sirota
Guess Who
Subjektive Fotografie. Bilder der 50er Jahre
Larry Clark
*Bibliografie / Bibliography
Barbara Hartmann
Unsere Sicht - zwölf Frauen aus Srebrenica
The Helsinki School 2. New Photography by TaiK
Bruce Haley
13 Million Tons of Pig Iron
Bjórn Melhus
auto center drive
Danny Lyon
Deep Sea Diver
Nobuyoshi Araki
The Banquet
Jamel Shabazz
Back in the days
Jeff Burton
Ed Jones
The Corinthians. A Kodachrome Slideshow